"Notes from our Mission Team, in Thailand since 1991."
Team History
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MEET THE TEAM[Russ & Tracy Pennington]
Penningtons' Family Page
From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16
Greetings from the Penningtons!Spring 2002
Summer in the Son 2002
Spring 2001
Here are a few thoughts about our family, our lives and what exciting things God is doing in and through us. One very important outreach we are committed to is New Life Ministries, and you can find a brief update about it here. If you would like more information or a more recent update, we would encourage you to visit another website created specifically for this ministry. You can find that website at: www.thailandnewlife.org
Our family consists of Russ and Tracy (other wise known as Mom and Dad) , Brently our oldest daughter who is nine this year, Sarah Breck our second daughter who is seven, Josiah, our oldest son, who is four, and Jacob our youngest son who is two years old.
Tracy and Russ made a decision last year to start trying to get up early to have our time in the word and prayer before the kids got up. It has been one of the best decisions that we have ever made, and has helped our spiritual growth and overall life outlook incredibly. We still have our bad days but we are learning that a little time with Jesus in the mornings can go a long way towards helping to make it through a day of unexpected frustrations. How does anyone make it through life without Jesus?
I (Russ) have been enjoying getting to play my guitar more this year. We are putting together a band at the church and have had some exciting opportunities for outreach through this. (I think deep down I've always wanted to be a rock and roll star so this band is like a dream come true for me.) I also have been working with our ministry house kids and trying to get a foundation established here in Thailand, for our outreach to needy children. The rest of my time is spent raising up our kids to know Jesus, sharing the gospel, and trying to disciple and encourage several young people in our cell group.
Tracy has been leading an aerobics class in our neighborhood for almost a year now. She has about twenty women coming to the class, and is doing a great job helping them to get in shape. She is able to use praise music in the class and we feel that this is an opportunity to bring a taste of the joy of the Lord into these women's lives. Tracy also helps out with home schooling our kids and makes incredible breakfasts each morning. She is an incredible mother, wife and servant of the Lord.
Brently loves to read and play sports. She is quite competitive and doesn't like to lose. Ever! Her favorite sports are soccer and basketball. Brently is a real leader and often comes up with games to play with her friends here. She is usually very considerate of her younger siblings and tries to include them in what she is doing. Brently also got an electric guitar amplifier for her birthday so she hopes to be learning to rock with Dad this year.
Sarah Breck is our princess. She does really well in her ballet class, and loves to play dress up at home. Breck is a great friend and has learned to speak Thai fairly well. She has a tender heart and hates to see people say goodbye. What a special little person she is.
Josiah is our joy boy. He loves trying to make us laugh. Each morning Josiah and Dad play rock scissors and paper to decide who gets to pick up the dog's mess. (How is it that Josiah seems to know how to win two out of three times.) Josiah is a real prayer warrior and has often been able to find a way to get something done by going over his parents head and talking to His heavenly Father. What a blessing Josiah is to our family.
Jacob our two year old also brings us a lot of joy. He loves music and will try to dance and sing whenever we turn on a c.d. The last time our band played out in public, Jacob brought his toy guitar and stood at the front pretending to play and sing into the microphone. Jacob is loved by many of the Thai people in our church and we are hoping that he will speak Thai fluently as he has had more of chance to be around Thai speakers than any of our other kids.
That is an update on the Penningtons in Thailand. We are learning more each day how true it is that Jesus came to give us life and give it to the full. Our lives have truly been blessed by His goodness.
For the Kingdom,
Russ, Tracy, Brently, Breck, Josiah, and Jacob
Thanks for taking the time to read our web site. Take a moment to sign our guest book to let us know you have been here!
Tim and Sherry Walter
Russ and Tracy Pennington
Steve and Samantha Allen
Surface mail:
P.O. Box 111
Bangkok, Thailand 10160
'Arise, shine , for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your dawn.'
Isaiah 60:1-3
These pages constructed byTimothy M. Nall