"Notes from our Mission Team, in Thailand since 1991."
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MEET THE TEAM[Russ & Tracy Pennington]
New Life Ministries Update
From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16
Greetings from the Penningtons!Spring 2002
Summer in the Son 2002
Spring 2001
The Thailand New Life Foundation was born out of a desire to see the poor and disadvantaged in Thailand find hope and a new life through the love of Christ. We have four main areas that we feel the Lord has led us to work in through this foundation. These areas include a children's ministry, outreach to those struggling with drug and alcohol addictions, relational counseling, and educational programs.
Currently in our children's ministry we have a home where we are providing for the needs of four siblings whose father is in jail and whose mother was killed in a car accident not long ago. These kids have found a way into our hearts and God has led us to start a home for them where they can receive the love and encouragement that they need. The kids names are Go, a young man who is 17, his sister Sauw who is 15, their brother Num, who is 12 and a younger sister Suey who is 8 years old. We first met these kids on an overpass as they were begging for money with their father. The older kids had begun sniffing glue and it wasn't long after that that their father was put in jail. Through many years of trying to decide how best to help these children we finally found a Thai couple named Ying and Suwit who were willing to be house parents for the kids. They, along with their 4 year old son Ice, now live with the kids and provide a loving caring enviroment for them to grow up in.
In the past we have worked with a recovery program for alcoholics and drug addiction. Presently we do not have a home for this program, but are praying that in the future we will be able to have a place for people to come who are trying to free from drug and alcohol addictions. Twice a month we visit a local jail and share a message of hope to the inmates there. Most of these young men and women are in jail for drug related offenses. We are praying that in the future we will be able to provide a place so that when they get out of jail they can start a new life away from the peer group and temptations that got them in trouble in the first place.
As a part of our relational counseling program we visit several people in our area who have some kind physical or emotional problems. We visit two individuals who are paralyzed and try to encourage them. We also try to help out with two other families who have family members who are unable to communicate or even feed themselves. It is often frustrating to not know exactly how to best help these hurting people, but we try to offer friendship, words of encouragement, and prayers for healing.
In the area of education we have a campus center that helps to assist students in learning to speak English at the South East Asia University. We also have English clubs for younger kids during the school breaks, and have visited various schools in our area to put on Christmas plays and help out with occasional English teaching activities. We are not trying to start an English language program but rather assist in what the public schools and local Universities are already doing.
That is a short summary of what is happening in our New Life Ministries, if you would like more information or a more recent update, we would encourage you to visit another website created specifically for this ministry. You can find that website at: www.thailandnewlife.org Thanks for your interest in what is happening in the New Life Ministries here in Thailand. We appreciate your prayers for this ministry.
Russ, Tracy, Brently, Breck, Josiah, and Jacob
Thanks for taking the time to read our web site. Take a moment to sign our guest book to let us know you have been here!
Tim and Sherry Walter
Russ and Tracy Pennington
Steve and Samantha Allen
Surface mail:
P.O. Box 111
Bangkok, Thailand 10160
'Arise, shine , for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your dawn.'
Isaiah 60:1-3
These pages constructed byTimothy M. Nall