
I teach at Balboa High School here in San
I've taught many different subjects in my 3 years
here including Biology, Integrated Science, Physical Science,
Algebra, and Geometry!
My absolute favorite subject to teach is Biology.
I have found that students have a very natural curiosity about life
and the many different forms it takes on this planet. Students are
also very curious about life on other planets. This curiousity is
what makes teaching most enjoyable for me. I'm here to spark an
interest then fan the flame!
This past school year, 98-99, has been my most
intense yet. I taught in the ACTION Academy, a ninth-grade service
learning program here at Balboa. I had the priviledge of teaching
with some of the greatest teachers in the world. Props go out to my
comrades-in-arms Matt Alexander, Lisa Morehouse, Willy Streeter, and
Emmanuel Medina. This past year was an amazing crash course in
schedule design, large group coordination and logistics, wacky and
effective assessment techniques, community building. It has shaped a
lot of the way I view the classroom and learning.
Last year ACTION worked with some amazing groups
including: St. Anthony's Church, Glide Memorial, Habitat for
Humanity, Communities for a Better Environment, Southeast Alliance
for Environmental Justice, Youth for Environmental Service, SF Public
Utilities Commision, Linking SF, Youth Service Day, Americorps and
Urban Service Project, Meals on Wheels, Community Thrift, Youthspeak,
Coleman Advocates, SF Supervisors, SF Community School, Revitalizing
Education and Learning, Rainforest Action Network, and Denman Middle
School. Wow! I'm probably forgetting a few... but you get the idea!
That's ACTION!
Besides the classroom... I'm involved with several
groups around school. I'd like to give a shoutout to Club Mabuhay as
well as the Class of 2000! errRRR!!
Class of 2000!!!

Check out my sleeping
teachers gallery!!
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