We run a wonderful urban zoo here in San
Francisco! Our homestead currently features 2 dogs, 2 cats and a
couple of fish. It's definitely a challenge managing all these
animals in the city, but it's worth it. All of were rescued from
boring lives in someone else's care. Sure, many people say "why
bother?" We even ask ourselves that question. But just a few minutes
in the presence of these silly creatures answers that question. Our
lives are made better by having our companions with us. Of course,
such companionship comes at a price. We believe in spaying and
neutering cats and dogs... especially here in the city. Don't add to
the pet population explosion! To find our more, check out ourproducts and links page!
The dog on the left is our princess
chloe, who rules with a nervous glare... She is our second dog. The
brindle pit on the right was our first one Oscar, RIP. Sadly, he's
not with us anymore :-( We miss him a lot!
Here's our dogs waiting for us outside
the San Francisco SPCA (yeah!!) That orca in the back is Piru, my
brother's dog. Look around here for a link to my brother's page to
see more pics of this great pit mix!

What would life be without our silly
cats? We've got 2! Rudy is the chubby grumpy-looking calico-colored
queen. Baloo is the orange kitty. He's got extra toes!

You may be thinking.... wow, that's a lot of
pets!! But there's more! Here are some of our former housemates that
have found other hands to feed them. Agnes is the cute tabby on the
left and Boy the black cat on the right.
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