Here's our Hobbies and Interests page.
It's a quick survey of all the stuff we like to do for fun.

As you can tell... we really like our pets! Our most favorite
thing to do with them is to take them to Fort Funston and Ocean
Beach. Duppy is a frisbee maniac! The frisbee is his preferred
workout method. Interested in teaching an old dog new tricks? There's books to help you!
Karen has spent time working at the SPCA and has owned dogs and
cats all her life. She's the "good cop" in our relationship with the
pets. Karen's also a baking wizard which really helps me keep my
girlish figure. Maybe a new recipe book could help you keep yours?

Another favorite activity has been camping. We've seen a lot of
different campsites here in California... mostly the northern half.
We've spent a lot of time on the coast. We love to travel... we've
been on many road trips, up and down the coast as well as over to the
east coast. There are some great hiking/backpacking and car camping guides out there to help you! Find them for your region. It's been a great time seeing so many different places.
We got a lot of kicks watching people's reactions to us as an
"interracial couple"! You'd be surprised.

Yohan has had many musical experiences. Ever since UC Davis, I've
been involved in many bands ranging from funk and groove, to loud,
loud noise. I've definitely got a posse of folks that have pretty
much taught me to play. Find your musical niche. Props go out to my musical compadres Ryan,
Amir, Brad, and Dave as well as my brother Arsenio. I currently play
an American made Fender Jazz bass through a GK 800RB amplifier. I
also have a growing collection of neglected instruments which I'll
learn to play later.
Sadly, the nerd side of me (and my wife) has been terribly
preoccupied by that accursed game Starcraft. I favor Protoss... she
likes the Terrans. We both hate the Zerg (until we actually learn to
play them). Send me an email if you'd like to play SC online
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