900 S. Fourth Street
Louisville, KY 40203
(502)585-9837 FAX
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Elected Officials Directory

Kentucky Congressional Delegation

SENATORSKentucky OfficeWashington Office
Mitch McConnell (R) 601 W. Broadway Rm. 630
Louisville KY 40202
FAX (502)5325
Contact: Larry Cox 
361-A Russell Building
Washington DC 20510
FAX (202)224-2499
Contact: Kyle Simmons
Jim Bunning1717 Dixie Hwy. Ste. 220
Ft. Wright KY 41011
FAX (606)331-7445
Contact: Debbie McKinney
818 Hart Senate Building
Washington DC 20510
FAX (202)228-1373
Contact: Dave York
Ed Whitfield (R) 317 W. 9th St.
Hopkinsville KY 42240
FAX (502)885-8598
Contact: Michael Pape
236 Cannon Building
Washington DC 20515
FAX (202)225-3547
Contact: Karen Long
Ron Lewis (R)312 N. Mulberry St.
Elizabethtown KY 42701
FAX (502)766-1580
Contact: Keith Roger
223 Cannon Building
Washington DC 20515
FAX (202)226-2019
Contact: Greg VanTatenhove
Anne Northup (R)Ron Mazzoli Federal Bldg.
600 Martin Luther King Jr. Pl.
Suite 216
Louisville KY 40202
FAX (502)582-5897
Contact: Sherri Craig
1004 Longworth Building
Washington DC 20515
FAX (202)225-5775
Contact: Terry Carmack
Ken Lucas (D)277 Buttermilk Pike
Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017
FAX (606)426-0061
Contact: Jim Collins
1237 Longworth Building
Washington DC 20515
FAX (202)225-0003
Contact: John Lapp
Harold Rogers (R)551 Clifty St.
Somerset KY 42501
FAX (606)678-4856
Contact: Bob Mitchell
2471 Rayburn Building
Washington DC 20515
FAX (202)225-0940
Contact: Kevin Fromer
Ernie Fletcher (R)860 Corporate Dr. Ste. 105
Lexington KY 40503 
FAX (606)219-3437
Contact: Jay Boyd
1117 Longworth Building
Washington DC 20515
FAX (202)225-2122
Contact: Daniel Groves

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