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Programs & Services

Information Center:
The Information Center houses a collection of books, videos, and journals focused primarily on the social, psychological, and behavioral aspects of aging. Information on services available to older adults throughout our region is kept current. Served are older adults, their families and caregivers, as well as professionals and students.

Conference on Aging:
Held each year in the spring, the annual Conference on Aging was initiated in 1992 by the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), Louisville Section. NCJW served as primary sponsor of the conference through 1996. The Aging Resource Center, Inc. has been producing the conference as primary sponsor since April, 1997.

Lifelong Learning Initiative:
Speaker’s Bureau -The Aging Resource Center keeps on file a list of members who donate their time and expertise to make presentations to senior businesses and organizations on a number of topics. Requests for presentations are made to the Program Director who then schedules the appropriate speaker for the time and date requested. Click here for a list of available topics.

Health & Lifestyles Lecture Series -A program of scheduled lectures given to senior groups throughout the community on topics of interest to them. Topics are chosen from those listed for our Speaker’s Bureau. These free programs are offered to senior centers, residences and nutrition sites.

Benchmark 2000 -A project that will integrate existing data on the status of women and girls derived from a review of recent literature and research with current input from citizens, government officials, service providers, community leaders, and the academic community. The end result will be a comprehensive, representative look at the concerns and unmet needs of women and girls in Jefferson County as we prepare to enter the 21st century.

Transportation Committee - works to ensure that adequate accessible transportation services are available to older adults throughout the Greater Louisville region.

Intergenerational -develops and promotes collaborative programs among agencies serving children and older adults.

Continuum of Services Committee -educates older adults, their families and caregivers on available community resources for the elderly.

Elder Safety -identifies gaps in services related to prevention and intervention of elder abuse.

Public Policy Committee -coordinates regional advocacy efforts on behalf of older adults.

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