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1250-1499 You?? ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~
1750-1999 Cheryl cjachymek A of E ~~~
2250-2499 Nilla vanillanlace CRC General Help
2750-2999 Susie wintero ~~~ General Help
3000-3249 Susie wintero ~~~ General Help
3250-3499 Roger
Co-L Cottage
youngscamp WebTV General Help
3500-3749 Roger
Co-L Cottage
youngscamp WebTV General Help
3750-3999 Rose Mary cross-land ~~~ ~~~
4000-4249 Rose Mary cross-land ~~~ ~~~
4250-4499 Janet craftyjan Heartland Hospitality
WebTV, A of E
Home Front
General Help
4500-4749 You ??? ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~
5000-5249 Joanna kimblers ~~~ General Help
5250-5449 Joanna kimblers ~~~ General Help
5500-5749 You?? ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~
5750-5999 You ?? ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~
6500-6749 JoeyDragon joeydragon ~~~ ~~~
6750-6999 JoeyDragon joeydragon ~~~ ~~~
7000-7249 Jacqueline missmom88 ~~~ ~~~
7250-7499 Jacqueline missmom88 ~~~ ~~~
7500-7749 Nancy dreamswishes ~~~ General help
7750-7999 Nancy dreamswishes ~~~ General help

***Please Note: If you do not have an assigned CL, please feel free to e-mail ONE of the other Community Leaders (by clicking on their name) or Smom at and I will be more than happy to assist you in anyway I can.

* On Vacation
** On Leave


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