Where to find special places in Heartland :o)

Homesteader Information
The Heartland Hospitality Committee is here to welcome Heartland's newest homesteaders. We offer you links to some of the most important areas around and let you know where to find help when you need it. Our goal is to make you, the homesteader feel welcome in your new homes! |
The Heartland Community's Official Cyberzine, The Heartland Edition, is a monthly publication, and all your stories, articles, information, questions and comments are always welcome! |
Heartland Headquarters is your one-stop homestead shop for resources in Heartland. Brought to you by the combined efforts of the Community Leaders serving Heartland and its suburbs. |
Heartland Select is a place for homesteaders to list their site by category, making it easy for you to find others that share your interests. It also makes it easier for others to find you! |

Homesteader Help
The Heartland Angels are for New homesteaders who would like a little extra help from Community Leaders on getting their page started. A Community Leader from Heartland will volunteer to help you get an understanding of HTML and simple page design and will be available one on one to work with you on a daily basis until you feel confident enough on your own. |
WebTech University provides homesteaders with instructor assisted courses in HTML, JavaScript, Web TV, Content and Design, and much, much, more. Stop by the campus and sign up today. Tuition is Free! |
The Heartland Critique and Review crew is a great batch of volunteers, who have banded together to give you, the homesteader, the opportunity to get an honest opinion of your pages. We look forward to helping you to improve your pages, and helping you to make your pages the best they can be. |
Heartland Graphics is your one-stop shopping destination for graphics for the Heartland Community. Our committee has created some great work for use on your homepages, whether you be a Community Leader or a Geocitizen. |

Heartland Awards!
Enter your page in the Award of Excellence Competition! Every week, two sites that are outstanding in content and design will be awarded the Heartland Award of Excellence and will be featured in The Heartland Edition. |
The Heartland Community Leaders would like to reward those residents who take the time to keep their pages in tip-top shape! If you think you have what it takes, apply now for the Heartland Hallmark Award! |
Heartland's Heart of Gold Award has been created for those wonderful sites that put the "heart" into Heartland. If you have or know of a site that offers something to our community, please come and apply for our award. |

More Info and Help
The Parenting Center promotes and highlights parenting sites in Heartland, and also has a weekly chat meeting at GeoCities for homesteaders and discussion boards. |
Welcome to Heartland Home Front, we are here to help your domestic life get a bit easier. Share with other homesteaders thoughts and ideas regarding crafts and making your home something to be proud to come home to. |
The Heartland Genealogy Society is devoted to the spread of responsible Genealogy around the web. We offer such great services as a surname registry, articles and tutorials on genealogy research, a quarterly newsletter and links to all member sites. |
Homeschool is Fun provides resources and information for the homeschooler. We have State by State information (Homeschool support groups, Curriculm fairs and Homeschool Convention schedules, information, fees, addresses, contact persons), featured Homeschool Graduate page & more |

Just For FUN!!
Step Right Up, Folks, and join HEARTLAND'S CARNIVAL! LIST YOUR FUN WEBSITES HERE! And for those of you who have several topics, here's your chance to list some of the FUN pages of your website that maybe aren't the main theme, but deserve some attention, too! And here's where others can surf and find Fun Sites and Activities in GeoCities. |
Heartland Seasons develops contests and other fun activities for Heartland residents to participate in. To see the current activity that is underway, visit the Seasonal Contest Page |
If you are interested in Heartland or Geocities themed screen savers, the Heartland Screen Saver Committee is the place to get them. Enter the lottery for your own personalized screen saver. All the information is one click away! |
Heartland's very own place to hang out and meet all sorts of teens. Teens Online is for any teen who just needs to take a break from the net and relax. Teens Online is made possible by Teens Online Editors, an elite group of volunteers who are willing to help you in any way they can. Make yourself at home and have a great stay!!! |

Heartland Causes
Heartland Partners in Prayer is designed with a simple goal in mind: to unite GeoCities in prayer for those in need; to stand in the gap and intercede on their behalf when they are unable to do it for themselves; to keep them lifted up in prayer. Our number one goal is to offer prayer and hope through our forum to all who ask. |
The Heartland Adoption Connection is a place for our Heartland adoptees & adoptive families to share their personal stories & to help other homesteaders learn more about adoption. "Heartland Caring Hands Database Connection" is for people who are looking to adopt. |
Heartland Safe Site is a place of peace, resources, and help for victims and survivors of spousal, child, elder, and all types of abuse and violence. |
Those who have lost loved ones can find and provide support in the grieving process at Healing Hearts |

| Main page | Your Community Leaders | GeoCities Info |
| Heartland Committees | Counters | Guestbooks | Basic HTML |
| Graphics | WebTV Help | Music | Advanced HTML | Frames Help |
| Java Help | Forms Help | Tables Help |
| Join the Traveling the Trail Webring |
