Information every homesteader should know is listed in the Yahoo! GeoCities Guidelines. |
Now, how the heck do I get to my file manager? |
Oh, shoot! I've lost my password!! |
What's a GeoGuide? |
Now, I'd like a guest book please, so visitors can let me know they've been here. =) |
How come no one is signing my guest book? How do I know how many people came to my site? Oh! I know!! I'll get a counter!! |
Ok, Miss Community Leader, why isn't my background (or images) showing up? Hmmm? The least you coulda done is told me about The Total Background Troubleshooter. |
Can I put forms on my page? Why, sure! And if you need more help check out the Simple Forms Tutorial. |
Gee, my page is looking pretty hot!! What's the best way to promote my page? |
When I signed up with GeoCities, they told me I had free email. How do I access the GeoCities Email? |
Now I've got all these files in my file manager and it sure would be nice to have information on GeoCities Subdirectories. |
How do I figure out how to FTP files to my site? Are there any GeoCities FTP Procedures? |
What about other resources for FTP questions? There are 3 here: 1. Jeff's FrontPage 97 Help Center, 2. Web Publishing Wizard Setup and Help, 3. WS_FTP Limited Edition |
HELP!! I'm having problems with America Online!! |
ACK!! I can't get my homepage to show up!! Where do I find the
System Status of GeoCities? Maybe there's a temporary system problem? |
Ewwww!!!! I just saw a page with really, really bad things on it! How do I access the Neighborhood Watch? |
Ok, I have a few more questions. I'd like to access the GeoCities Help Forums or the Help Chat please. |