![]() ![]() HomemakingHi! I’m Willa, and I will be making periodic reports about Homemakers and the people who have created web sites, using this as a general theme of their cyber homes. The hardest task I’ve ever had to do as a Community Leader was to pick a Heartland Topic that I would more or less adopt and oversee. I knew that I would be browsing web sites within that Topic to see how the homesteaders were coming along with their pages, and offering help if they wanted it. My problem was, I liked ALL the topics in Heartland! It took a few weeks to finally decide, but at last I settled on Homemakers. I guess what I was expecting in Homemakers was a bunch of Suzy Q. Homemakers, with recipes, crafts, and general life style around the home. Well, I found them—and more! There were sites about Ladies’ Homemaker Clubs, Future Homemakers of America Clubs, Genealogy pages, and even a few sites by carpenters! So I needn’t have worried about limiting myself to a single subject.
I have spoken with so many really nice homesteaders. And I’ve been amazed at some of the great sites I’ve found! I met Kathy while browsing, and we have become quite good friends. We connected on ICQ and chat quite regularly. I am interested in sewing, but Kathy is a professional seamstress. I particularly enjoyed the page she made about her “duct tape double.” You should check it out.
I also met Debbie and Gary. Theirs is a fascinating story! I loved the way they explained the music on each page, and the chronicle of Debbie’s brain injury was touching. Meet them.
Young people are excellent homesteaders! I’m sure I was drawn to Nicole’s page because my daughter’s name is Nicole. I was impressed with this young lady’s take on art and poetry. That’s it for this time. I’ll be browsing Homemakers a lot more, and I’ll make notes about the really outstanding sites I find. So check back soon! My mouse can save your mouse lots of clicking
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