
Hail and wellmet gentle reader, my name is Robin (robinlm here at Geocities!Yahoo). One of my newest passions is online roleplaying games, where I am known my the name "Lurkess" in the worlds I play in, and one of my oldest passions is genealogy. Linking the two through time and culture is folklore.
Folklore is what puts the meat and flesh onto our history, it shapes how we view those worlds we can only
imagine. Folklore can and does cover many many diverse subjects...From some basic American folklore like Paul Bunyan and his Blue Ox Babe, to ancient subjects such as The Search for the Holy Grail, or the Legend of the Knights of the Round Table, and even some of the modern urban legends.
It is my sincere hope to investigate some of these subjects and discuss them in this forum. I hope to discuss such things as how and where the legend or folklore originated and other factors and interesting facts.
Please enjoy your stay here, may the gods make your aim straight and true...
*smiles and disappears into the mists*

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