Links to other things Basset.
Below is a list of links to other Basset related Web Sites.
The Basset Hound Club of Victoria (BHCV)
website may contain links to third party Web sites.
These Web sites are not under the control of BHCV and BHCV is not responsible
for the contents of any of these linked Web sites, including without
limitation any link contained in a
linked Web site, or any changes or updates to a linked site. These links
are provided by BHCV to
you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply
endorsement by BHCV
of the site or any association with its operators
Other Basset Hound Clubs around the world
Hound Club of New South Wales
The World of French Bassets and Hunting Dogs.
Basset Hound Organization of Argentina
Basset Hound Club of America
Basset Clubs on the Net
Members' Basset Hound Websites

Longbay Basset Hounds.
Lynsluv Basset Hounds
Beauchasseur Basset Hounds
Wahabi Kennels - NSW
Baronbass Bassets- SA
Basset Hound sites of interest
Just Basset Art
Daily Drool
Veterinary Notes
The Tiergarten Sanctuary Trust.
Animal Shirts.

Hound Club of Victoria.
Dogs 4 Sale.
