BHCV Committee
The running of the BHCV is managed
by a group of voluntary elected members. They give their spare time to running
the club which supports and promotes the breed in Victoria.

Currently the Club consists of
around 100 members
The current Committee
is made up of:
President |
Clive Miller
(03.5275.4158) |
Vice President? |
Bryan Mangelsdorf |
Secretary |
Mrs. Jane Miller
(03.5275.4158) |
Mrs Joan Bannister
Committee Members |
Grace Venuto
Carrie Fowler Katherine McDougall Wendy Boce |
Puppy Officer |
Jane Miller
Basset Ear Editor |
Bryan Mangelsdorf
Rescue Officer |
Grace Venuto
Should you wish to contact anyone in the club please get in touch with the
Club Secretary by email or phone and they will be happy to assist you.
Life Members
The club has bestowed the honour of Life Membership on the following people.
Mrs. H. Guy |
Mrs. Joan Murphy |
Mrs. A. Mason |
Mr. Kevin Murphy |
Mrs. D. Morrison |
Mrs. H. O'Hehir |
Miss P.
Shinkfield | Mrs. Wendy Sanders |
Mrs. G. Venuto |
? |

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