Rainbow Bridge
this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet
goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special
friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and
sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been
ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are
made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and
times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone
very special to them; who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and
looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers.
Suddenly he begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass,
his legs carrying him faster and faster. YOU have been spotted, and when you and
your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to
be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress
the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so
long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together......."

This page is
dedicated to those Bassets that have gone to the Bridge.
If you have
recently lost a cherished member of your Basset family perhaps you would like to
write a tribute to go on our Memorial Page and send it to the Webmaster.
We all know
personally the loss of a beloved friend who gave their love and devotion
Please take a look
at Benny,
Rufus & The Rainbow Bridge for a beautiful heart warming story by renowned
Basset Artist Dotti

8/11/1999 –
Dad’s doglet,
Mum’s darling, Patrick’s missus

Bronte, fairest Bronte,
Lady of the
handbag ears,
Gentle girl,
you gave such pleasure
To us all,
these past few years.
Dianne & David Gome

"Jackson" (Towritree Jackson)
13Jun96 - 27Nov06
They say memories are golden, well maybe that is true.
But i never wanted memories, I only wanted you.
A million times i cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly, In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place nothing else can fill.
If tears could build a stairway, and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven and bring you back again.
My heart is broken, and nothing seems the same,
So rest my old friend and be in peace - until one day, when our souls will meet again.
Glen Reid

Glenfern Apple
Strudel - Sophie
17-7-92 - 16-7-05
Born Glenfern Apple
Strudel on 17th July, 1992 and went to sleep 16th July 2005. Sophie came
to us as a rescue dog eight years ago. She unfortunately didn't have a
secure up bringing. She joined Winston and they played and slept together
for a short time before Winston had to be put to sleep. Maggie soon joined
the family and Sophie became the unofficial mother to her. They have been
together for six years but today the big decision had to be made.
Sophie will always
be remembered as a loving and gentle girl. Her tenderness and devotion to
the family will always be with us. The last few months as the weight came
off her and she was possibly in pain, she never once let that interfere
with her love for us.
She is now at peace
and as she dreams of long ago pastures, never forget Dad, Mum and Maggie
love you and will miss you. She will always be Dad's big girl.
Special thanks to
Joan and Michael Bannister who gave us Sophie.
Coral and Jim

Ch. Wenbrook Cast a
Spell - Cassie
5-9-95 - 8-8-04
Our sweet little Cassie loved
everyone, she never ever caused a problem and true to form she just left us
quietly this morning.
Sam is feeling lost as she had lived with him and now he is on his own, we are
all feeling a bit lost without her...she was such a gentle little person.
But she is now romping at the Rainbow Bridge and fit and well again.
Thanks to Wendy Boce of Wenbrook Kennels for trusting us with this dear girl.
Harry and Wendy Sanders and all
at Merribas.
If it should
be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep
Then you must do what must be done
For this last battle can't be won.
You will be sad - I understand
Don't let your grief then stay your hand
For this day more than all the rest
Your love and friendship stand the test.
We've had so many happy years
What is to come can hold no fears
You would not want to suffer so
When the time comes please let me go. |
Take me
where my needs they'll tend
Only stay with me until the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you too will see
It is a kindness you do to me
Although my tail it's last has moved
From pain and suffering I've been saved.
Do not grieve that it should be you
Who has to decide this thing to do
We've been so close - we two these years
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
Penny Cary 1996 |

Grand Champion Merribas Briar Rose
31-12-90 ~ 19-12-02
Another Grand Champion Basset Hound has been laid to rest.
Rosie liked nothing better than to go in the show ring and perform for dad…”Am I doing it right dad” she would say…luckily she has passed this attribute onto her daughter Nikki.
She was a very pretty bitch with a very loving temperament.
She will now be up at the Rainbow Bridge reunited with her lifelong mate Buddy, she has never been quite the same since he passed on.
We will never forget you Rosie...we had lots of fun didn't we.
Harry and Wendy Sanders - Merribas

Grand Champion Towritree
21st March 1993 - 20th January,
Sadly missed by Harry &
Wendy Sanders
Darling Bud from
the first moment we saw you we knew you were a truly beautiful boy.
Not only did you
look beautiful and give us an enormous amount of fun in the Show Ring but
you were endlessly loyal, loving and gentle with never a cross word, always
the true gentleman.
Buddy grew up with
and lived all his life with Rosie and tonight she is suffering...we are sure
she knows what has happened.
Buddy had been off
colour for several days, not eating and moving a little slower than usual,
so a visit to the Vet was in order...little did we know that was to be his
last trip anywhere...he had advanced and inoperable cancer in the bowel,
liver, pancreas and
stomach...and the kindest thing was to put him gently to sleep.
"Please see
my trusting life is taken gently, I shall leave this earth knowing that with the
last breath I draw that my fate was always safest in your hands."
Sweet Dreams Buddy
Buddy's Show Career
was certainly an illustrious one, he won In Group prizes for every Class he
was entered in, week after week he was in General Specials...the first week
he missed getting something in Group we wondered what had happened.
He won under
Specialists and All Breeds Judges, he won the Basset Hound Club of
Victoria's Open Parade, then he won the Basset Hound Club of Victoria's
Champ. Show, he won many Exhibit in Groups, many, many Class In Group and
Class in Shows. He won Runner-up in Show at Warrnambool All Breeds Champ.
Show and only weeks before he died we brought him out of retirement
and he won Best of Breed at the Hound Club of Victoria's Champ Show.
At the Royal Shows
both Melbourne and Sydney he used to entertain the public giving out kisses
freely...although he was known to steal a lick of an ice-cream...he has
always been gentle with children and he was a wonderful ambassador for the
A true Grand
Champion and the ultimate Gentleman of the Breed.

A Tribute To Bollinger
1986 to 1999
From the first moment I laid
eyes on my little Chloe I knew we were going to share a good life together.
From the first time she barked
in her new home to when she was laid to rest in her favourite spot in her back
yard she gave us nothing but happiness and joy.
When our first son came home
from hospital after being born, Chloe came into the lounge room and slept
under his bassinette. She did this too when Number two son came home. Such was
the incredible maternal instinct of our darling girl.
She moved with us from place to
place watching out for us all until we made it home, so did Chloe.
It has been some time since she
went to Rainbow Bridge and there are even times when I still feel her
presence. It strengthens me to know that she will be waiting for me when I get
there too.
Then we won't have to miss each
other again Chloe darling.
Thank you for the years.
David, Angela, James and Liam

Georgie and Rose
Georgie 23/4/90 - 12/6/01
Rose 7/11/89 -
Our sweet Bassies,
you both left so suddenly we still can't believe it. Rose - you were our first
Basset and soon had us wrapped around your paw. Georgie, we rescued you not
believing that anyone could not love you. Together you built a lifetime of
memories and a bundle of mischief. It's been 5 weeks and 5 days since you left
us our beautiful girl Rosie. You left so quickly, one day playing like a puppy,
smiles for everyone and the next day you were gone. Porgie Boy, our handsome
boy, it's been 2 weeks and 3 days since you went to join your girl, you tried so
hard to stay with us, but you needed to be with your sweet Rose more, we
understand. You two were the most loving, loyal kids we could have ever asked
for. You both had that cheeky look even when you were naughty that just melted
our hearts. We have tears everyday wishing you were still here. We find it hard
coming home to no howls for dinner, no charging through the door bowling us
over, no slobber on the windows, no hair in the carpet, no Georgie and Rose.
There are so many things we could say to explain what you both meant to us, but
we know you know. Our sweet Bassies, thank you for sharing your lives with us
and teaching us the true meaning of loving a Basset. See you both at Rainbow
Bridge Love your Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ch. Hushanda
Endless Tyme "Pepper"
- 15-1-1999
We picked her up
from her breeder at Hushanda late morning, it is always hard separating a baby
from the litter and her mother Ch. Hushanda Imtrouble Too, stood there and cried
as she watched us load up the car. I sat in the front seat with the new baby on
my lap, with her little arms around my neck her muzzle cuddling into my
It took nearly
an hour to drive home and she didn't make a sound...she was like that from day
one...brave little person.
Now after quite
a successful show career and two litters of pups, one producing Grand Champion
Merribas Briar Rose, we are looking back on nearly 12 years of absolute
devotion. She didn't always like strangers...but she absolutely loved her family
and her family loved her.
Dear Pep we know
you're at the Rainbow Bridge and you're on a hill somewhere sniffing out the
bunnies with Katie and Ben...have fun darling.
Wendy &
Harry Sanders and all at Merribas.

Tagscolowoble "Maggie"
1990 to January 2000
Maggie was
born when Collingwood was last celebrating a Premiership win - almost a decade
Her mum
was Basstina Tagalong.
We kept
Maggie because she was the most outgoing puppy of the litter and she happened to
have a white stripe over her back - hence her name - we are not Collingwood
supporters either!
Mags never
disappointed us and when she wagged her tail her whole body would shake. Her
favourite pastime was hunting but she was also very good at obedience. Many
obedience trials were attended with much fun being had except when it came to
being judged on the exercise bit - it was all a bore! - preferred to
socialise and could do the exercises perfectly outside the ring. Plenty
of encouragement was given but not on a certificate!
Mags was
another true mate and companion to us which made her a pleasure to own. We are
so proud, we will miss her terribly. We are always so sad when we lose our
companions, they leave our hearts so empty yet somehow we feel good knowing we
have given them the absolute best life a Basset could possibly have and they
have gone on to that big kennel in heaven knowing our love, faithfulness
and kindness. Little did we know, 24 years ago when we bought our first Basset,
the joy and sadness that these adorable hounds would bring into our lives. We
are so grateful to our darlings - Polly, Prue, Wynston, Sugar, Tara and Maggie
for they are forever in our hearts.
How could
one live without a Basset after 24 years? - Impossible! There is always room in
our hearts for another and another and...
NOTE: With
the exception of Polly who died of heart failure during a hunt, I have had to
make that dreaded decision which never gets any easier. I believe in my
"oath" which proudly hangs on my wall -
The one
that starts with:
Treat me
kindly my beloved friend, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for the
kindness than the heart of me...
And ends
Please see
my trusting life is taken gently, I shall leave this earth knowing that with the
last breath I draw that my fate was always safest in your hands.
It gives
me strength at these sad time.
sweet memories - Helen and Ken Hastie.

Aust. Ch. Basjambe
Xmas Knight (Arthur)
22/12/82 - 10/11/94
Sire: Ch. Cathjaa Careworn Sir
Dam: Basjambe Maori Gold
Arthur was
bred by Roy Beal and after seeing him at a show I had to have him. I pestered
Roy until he sold him to us.
He was a lovely red and white dog with a beautiful head, lots of substance and a
wonderful temperament.
He was a multi in-group winner, but he had a great trick if anyone else but me
tried to show him...he would tuck his front feet under himself and refuse to
walk or stand.
He also had a few more tricks up his sleeve...when he was a puppy he ate the arm
off our club lounge while we were out, another time he pulled the drapes off the
wall and bent the curtain rod...now this takes some doing. He pulled the carpet
up off the floor and ate all the indoor plants...if you forgot to close the
pantry door he had a ball...rice bubbles were his favourite...of course spread
all over the family room floor...he was adorable!
Seriously, he was a wonderful ambassador for the breed, he did about 5 TV ads,
lots of advertising work and was Mr. Hush for Hush Puppies and he even went into
Parliament House to meet the then Premier Mr. Cain. He was the mascot for the
Deafness Appeal and he was Capitol Clancy for Capitol Building Society who had
stuffed plush toys made to look just like him...if you opened an account with
them with $500 you got a free toy.
We retired him at 4 1/2 years due to a neck injury and other than to go to the
vets we never put a lead on him again.
We were lucky that with careful management he lived a full life till 12 years of
Joan & Kevin Murphy.

Aust. Ch. Kamlea
Charlie (Charlie)
19/9/86 - 5/3/2000
Sire: Aust. Ch. Hushanda Johnny Reb
Dam: Aust. Ch. Hushanda Xclusive Too
was born from our first litter and from the day she was born till the day she
died she was mine.
I showed just Charlie for many years with Kevin and Georgia showing the other
We had many wonderful wins, Runner up in Show at the Hound Club of Victoria was
probably one of the ones we enjoyed the most.
She did some advertising work for catalogues, Xmas Cards, Calendars etc.
She always amazed me with her intelligence, in obedience I only had to show her
something a few times and she always remembered it.
Charlie had one litter and we nearly lost her, so that was the end of that no
more litters.
We have had many wonderful hounds at Kamlea but this bitch was always special to
me...her loss has been the hardest thing I have had to cope with.
May she at last have peace from the chronic gastro she suffered with for all her
Joan &
Kevin Murphy

Aust. Ch. Barkhill
Ima Shambles (Shambles)
2/10/80 - 20/5/91
Sire: Aust. Ch. Hushanda Ezaruffin Too
Dam: Barkhill All About Me
Shambles was our very first Basset. He was a true
gentleman...never a cross word.
He got Parvo at 4 months of age even though he had been vaccinated, he survived
it thanks to our Vet at the time.
He was retired from the Showring at 18 months of age and spent the rest of his
life eating and sleeping...except when he went hunting with Kevin.
Joan &
Kevin Murphy

Aust. Ch. Hushanda
Xclusive Too (Gossip)
30/3/81 - 6/5/92
Sire: Aust. Ch. Camoola Mr Snowdrift (N)
Dam: Aust. Ch. Hushanda Evening Tyme
Gossip was our first bitch, not a big bitch but she had a
lovely front and was full of get up and go. She and Shambles had such fun
We showed her for 5 years then we bred her.
She was Best of Breed at Canberra Royal 1985 and Reserve Challenge Bitch at
Sydney Royal 1984. In 1986 she was opposite Australian Bred in Show at New South
Wales Specialty Silver Anniversary Show.
Gossip was always the boss at Kamlea and as the Kennel got bigger and bigger she
remained No.1 She was the dam of Aust.Ch. Kamlea Charlie and Aust. Ch. Kamlea
Joan &
Kevin Murphy

Aust. Ch. Lakesdale
Lownlovely (Cinnamon)
18/5/85 - 24/1/2000
Sire: Basstina Matchmaker
Dam: Basstina Lownbehold
Cinnamon was a lovely lemon and white bitch with a
beautiful head and loads of bone. She was also a multi in-group winner.
She was always our Public Relations Officer...she did this up until she was 10
years old. She had the best temperament in a bitch I have ever met and she
was the grandmother of Aust. Ch. Kamlea Elegant Lady, Aust. Ch. Kamlea
Earthquake and Aust. Ch. Kamlea English Charm.
Joan &
Kevin Murphy
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