Far Nuff Farms Home Page

There's an old song in my head, "Everything Changes"- I don't even remember who did the song,I just know that's where I'm at today. I am staying with my parents with my 3 children,
the oldest,
Catey, and
Matthew and lots of critters! I named our farm, Farnuff Farms because I told Dale, my husband "I've moved farnuff,
I don't want to move any more!" And now I have moved from our farm that we sold to the middle of the state with my parents. I don't know what the future holds, but I know that it is still in God's hands,
and that he hasn't lost control and His plan is still working out. I just wish that once in a while He would let me in on His plans. My husband is struggling with health problems. He has been in and out of the hospital for 3 years now.
Single parenting can be such fun! I have started back to school to get my Masters of Arts in Education at the University of Phoenix on-line. It is really a challenge but I am enjoying it immensly.
Here's a picture of Dale and Judy.

Owned by Judy Watkins
- NPGA pygmy goats
- Pygora goats- we've sold them all, but still have pictures up.
- rabbits
- Polypay Sheep the sheep are gone too.
- AQHA gelding and one pony
- And our latest-hedgehogs!(under construction)
I homeschooled all of the kids until Dale went into treatment, then sent the two oldest to public school. Matthew didn't want to go there.
Now, Leslie is back at home and Catey is still in public school. I've built a firm foundation, but things are a little shaky right now. I stand on God's promise
that says if you train up a child in the way they should go, they will not depart from it. The roots run deep, including
through example and use of programs such asAWANAS and
building character through programs such as 4-H.
We used to attend the First Assembly of God church in
Yankton, SD. We show
our rabbits in open shows and are starting to show the
kids 4-H goats in open shows. Catey has three
registered LaMancha does who will kid in April. Matthew and Mom
went together on an Oberhasli doe who had broken her leg so doesn't show
well, but should give us nice kids this spring.
The artwork on these pages are from drawings
byDale. Please ask for
permission to use them. Thank you.
To find out about Judy Or click
on any of the colored names for links. Or start at Next
and work your way through our site. Hope you enjoy your
You can also go back to our
index page. Or visit Judy's brother
Steve Arne's page.
Some graphics
are from Dark Raptor.
Other graphics are from Bells
and Whistles
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© This page designed by Judy Watkins
updated November 2002