Our horses
I have owned a horse or pony of some sort since I was a little girl. Dad says he made the mistake of putting me up on his saddle and couldn't get me down afterwards. I showed my horse (Dee) before I got married, of course!, with the American Buckskin Association. What a blast! Now that I'm married and have children, I'm to broke to do any more showing! I have Dee's son Dandy who is a card! He loves to do tricks for treats but doesn't understand that the little people can get hurt easily, so the kids don't get to do too much with him which is why we got Strawberry. I keep hoping that one of the kids will really get into riding and we can go to some of the 4-H shows, sigh, maybe next year!
Dandy severed 3 of the tendons in his back leg in 1998. I hauled him up to Sioux Falls to Dr. Tornberg who sewed it up and cast the leg. We went through 4 casts before we were done. If I hadn't had the veterinary assistant experience that I had, we probably would have lost him. He got a really nasty infection that I caught early but had to IV antibiotics everyday. After the casts, we had to do special shoes with built-up heels and then trailers and bars for 2 years. He will always favor it a little, but his quality of life is good.
This is Strawberry
Before I got married, I spent a winter in Ohio working at a racehorse breeding farm. That was sure different for a SD farm girl! I also worked for Cache La Poudre Veterinary Clinic in Ft. Collins, Colorado for Dr. Bill Martin who is an EXCELLENT horse veterinarian. I swear, he saved horses and had them going sound that I figured would never leave the clinic on all four feet.
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December 2001