Family Values
Christian Coalition
"We are driven by the belief that people of faith have a right and a responsibility to be involved in the world around them. That involvement includes community, social and political action."
Eagle Forum
- Phyllis Schlafly -Eagle Forum -- Leading the pro-family movement since 1972
-- invites you to build a better educated, safer, stronger America based on traditional values.
The Family Research Council
~The Family Research Council exists to reaffirm and promote nationally, and particularly in Washington,
DC, the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value.
Rutherford Institute
-Nonprofit Christian group specializing in defense of religious liberties and human rights.
Focus on the Family
HSLDA -Homeschool Organizations, Events, and
Legal Info.
WallBuilders: Defending America's Godly Heritage .
Best of the Christian Web's Message Forum. Has a Politics Forum
Permissable Religious Expression in Public Schools

WORLD MAGAZINE reports news you won't find anywhere else and helps readers think biblically about the world around them . It is like TIME or Newsweek, but from a Christian perspective and is read by some of the most influential people in the country. GARY BAUER: "WORLD is the liveliest magazine covering politics and culture from a Christian perspective. I read WORLD every week." LARRY BURKETT: "WORLD is an excellent magazine that gives readers a rare balanced perspective. I look forward to reading WORLD each week and often share information from the articles it contains." CAL THOMAS: "WORLD has material that is of interest to Christians and non-Christians alike and does the best job I've seen of stimulating thought, encouraging action, and reporting news from a perspective that is available virtually nowhere else.".
Roll Call Online The newspaper of Capitol Hill since 1955. News, commentary, policy briefings, quizzes and classifieds .
The Hill The Hill reports and analyzes the actions of Congress. The editorial viewpoint is nonpartisan and nonideological.
Congress Action Information on matters not widely covered by the mainstream media, matters which the Congress hopes to take action on, or prevent action on, without a lot of public scrutiny.

Government Information and Contact Links
THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Action of Second Continental Congress, July 4, 1776 .
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America .
Washington State Legislature
House Home Page,Senate Home Page,Legislative Agencies,Legislative Info,Bill Info,Washington State Info,District Lookup,Kids Page,Congressional Information. Because it effects so much, christians and homeschoolers need to care and stay informed about what is happening in the shaping of our laws.
Library of Congress In the spirit of THOMAS Jefferson, the Library of Congress provides you with searchable information about the U.S. Congress and the legislative process. Search bills, by topic , bill number, or title. Search through and read the text of the Congressional Record for the 104th and 105th Congress. Search and find committee reports by topic or committee name.
Internet Law Library Free public access to the basic documents of U.S. law. Full text searchable copy of the U.S. Code. Over 8,900 links to law resources on the Internet.
The White House ~Information and details about the goings on in the White House.
And send your comments via e-mail to the President!
U.S. Congress Send e-mail to your congressional
representative by following links on this page obtain a specific address.
U.S. House of Representatives
105th Congress, 2nd session
Write Your Representatives This service is provided to assist you in contacting your elected Representative. Constituents may identify and/or contact their elected
Member to the U.S. House of Representatives.
United States Senate
Review everything from committee systems to the Senate's history. Then take a virtual tour of the U.S. Capitol Building.
Contacting Senators via the Internet .
Christian Coalition Guide to the U.S. Congress
THE ELECTRONIC ACTIVIST An email address directory of congresspeople,
state governments, and media entities.