As you can see, my name is Shirley. I am a Christian homeschooling mom with two daughters, SarahGrace and Michelle. My husband Philip is in the Navy. Phil has been in the Navy 18 yrs and we have 'officially' homeschooled the girls for 8 of those years. Family Photos
We call our homeschool 'Schroeder Ohana Academy'. We began homeschooling in Hawaii and ohana means family in Hawaiian. We have occasionally needed a letterhead for various reasons so we chose this name to put at the top of our letters. It was by natural progression that it became our e-mail address and then our identity on the WWW.
Being a military family, we move a lot. Moving often has a way of getting us very dis-organized, on a regular basis. So, I decided, in my quest for a little order, to organize myself (with my family's help!) by putting all my favorite mom helpers, and links useful for homemakers, families, homeschoolers and other new website builders in one spot. We are also organizing our families other photos and scrapbooks on line. Putting my links, home school information and poem, prose and humor collection in my virtual notebooks makes it easier for me to access all these great resources AND I can share them with you.
My family are also envolved with a Christian ministry known as the Weigh Down Workshop. We are very excited about it! You can learn more about our participation in WDW, WDW support , e-mail, chats, article and homepages on our WDW NOTEBOOK page.
I believe that the links I have here are the best few for each area or subject and that they are well worth sharing.
As we finish up with our basic outlines of these pages, my family and I will begin to add our own personal homeschooling tips, ideas and articles. We have also built lists of local and national homeschool support groups and WA State homeschool laws and educational resources.
Please use my VIRTUAL NOTEBOOKS in what ever way they may be useful to you.
If you happen to have any links, ideas or articles, that you think I might like to place here, or if you would like me to link to your page, please feel free to e-mail me. You may also want to apply for one of the nifty awards our family offers.
I hope you find these links and other resources both enjoyable and useful. Please remember to sign our Guest Book before you leave so we'll know you've been to visit us.
Have a great day!

HOME SCHOOL The best resource and information links. Everything you need to get started and jewels for the experienced as well. Includes state laws, support groups, message and chat forums lists and a really wonderful extensive free lessons and unit studies links list.
HOME MAKER HELPERS Great helpers for Mom and family. Homemaker tips and helps, Betty Crocker Recipes,
Once a Month Cooking, Crafts, 100s of free recipe and coupon resources.
CHRISTIAN Magazines, Organizations, Information, Kidstuff- You name it. We also have access to Christian radio which you can listen to online useing Real Audio.
Eagle Forum, Family Research Council, HSLDA, The White House and more.
MUSIC SHELF An online Hymnal, a jukebox, Christian music radio and links to midis and other sound files of all kinds. We are also asking for input of your favorites and for your reveiws. With Your help we can make this a really great list!
LET'S GET CRAFTY! Lot's of great craft links for rainy days or anytime. Something for every occassion and for everyone.
~RUBBERT~ROUND-UP~Rounding-up RUBBERTs and RUBBERT Relatives plus other genealogy stuff. This is our family's Home School project. The girls are learning how to do research, write, make lists, outline, spell, proof read, art, history, computer skills and more through this project, this page and their own web sites.
Includes links to my daughters pages: 'Everything Bob' and 'Fun~4~ Kids' as well as some other great pages belonging to our family and friends.
GENEALOGY My favorite ones, of course, there are just so many out there but these are the best.
JEWELS Nifty things like a huge free electronic greeting card list and a link to the really impressive and largest list of other free stuff I've found to date. We will add our favorite 'other' links as we collect them. We will be looking for helpful or fun links and would enjoy any good idea or link contributions.
Weigh Down Workshop Notebook I am very excited about the Weigh Down Workshop because it is showing people on a daily basis how our God can transform their hearts and minds so that they can rise above the magnetic pull of the refrigerater.
To get more information about WDW, WDW online support groups, WDner's homepages, testimonies and encouragement or to enter into a live chat that is just for our friends, homeschoolers and people who are involved with or interested in the Weigh Down Workshop please visit our WDW Virtual Notebook.
WEB TOOLS Web site construction instruction, tips and tools. Our families homeschool project resource and aids. A really great collection of free resources. Recomended.
Encouraging Words Message Board
AWARDS I have received.
WEBRINGS That I have joined.
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