Family and Friends Links

- The Everything BOB Page - SarahGrace 'Rubbert' Schroeder a.k.a. Bob's page. Everything you ever wanted to know about Bob but didn't know what to ask...
- Shabelle -n- Britt's Fun 4 Kids - My daughter Michelle and her best friend's page. Tons and tons of wonderful fun and educational sites can be found from the links on their page. For kids one year old to 100 years!
- Shirley' Fav's Notebooks ~ Links to Home School, Christian, Book and software resources, a link to free software, Education and Family Politics, Other Jewels including links to over 150 Free Email greeting card sites,ICQ Respond-Online Panel, Shirley's Weigh Down Workshop Notebook and Desert Buddies live chat.
- Cousin Marty, Aunt Faith Rubbert Hutchisons's son's Web Page Business site.
- Chris Finnigan ~tazmar@oakharbor.net~ Chris is our good friend, 'adopted' family member and our family's occassional Home School computer teacher. Chris is open to teaching other students in the Oak Harbor area. Please go to his page for more details.
- Internet Stuff You Need To Know ~Viruses, cookies, hoaxes, spam, etc.. Cyndi's List is one of our fav Genealogy sources and she has this important information for you.
Rainer Rubbert, Berlin~studied at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin from 1975 - 1981. Since 1989 he is the curator and manager of the renowned new music concert series Unerhörte Musik.
- Mark Rubbert, The Senior Instructor for the SLKS, has practiced Aikido and Mind and Body Unification since 1980 and has taught regularly for over eleven years.

updated: JUNE 22, 1998
by: Schroeder Ohana Academy,
Principal (and Dad=): Philip Schroeder ohana@pugetsound.com
Instructor (and Mom=): Shirley Rubbert Schroeder rubbert@geocities.com
Creator: SarahGrace Rubbert-Schroeder admin@bobgirl.com
Researcher and Editor: Michelle Schroeder kid4JC@hotmail.com
© copyright 1998 Rubbert Roundup