TV Screen Tutorial (w/ Lense Flare) |
All Images have been saved with a space saving jpg format so they will look better when you actually do them. |
Every step here can customized by you and you probably will play with it until you find your own touch you like better. If you are going to use this screen in a control, the screen done here is good for the "Off" screen. To do and "On" screen with something inside it; after you save it, Get your "Select" tool (rectangle) and as close as you can select the actual screen part; then go to the top toolbar, "Colors/Adjust/Brighten" Brighten it as you like then put your image or writing here. The brighter/lighter screen looks more "on".
1) Open an image 350x300 |
2) Get the select tool (rectangle) start at 50x50 and drag till you have a rectangle that is 250x200. |
3) Go to "Select/Modify/Expand" (this is on the toolbar on top). Expand to your liking. (This will soften the corners) Mine is about 9 |
4) Invert (Now you will see the "marching ants" in two places (this is the area that can be worked on) |
5) Fill with your color |
6) Invert (Marching ants only show around the screen) |
7) Choose "Fill" (Sunburst Gradient) set gradient as in picture. |
It will look like this |
8) Go to "Image/Effects/Dropshadow" (top toolbar) (this will allow us to put the white highlight at the bottom right screen) Set specifications as in picture directly below this one. |
White Drop Shadow setting: |
9) Invert (Now we will set the dark shadow at the top left corner) |
10) Go to "Image/Effect/Dropshadow". Settings as shown |
11) Invert again |
12) Go to "Image/Noise". Settings show just below this picture. |
Noise settings as follows: |
13) Go to "Image/Blur" choose Glausen and set as shown below: |
Blur Settings as follows: |
Before you file it (while the screen is still "selected" as in picture above) do "copy/paste as new image". This can be the screen that you use for your "on screen" if you use it for a remote. (Suggestion: with the "onscreen" go to "Colors/Adjust/Brighten(Contrast) and brighten the screen alittle so it looks more "on".
Now the actual TV screen is done and you can leave it as is or add some lense flare.
If you decide to add the lense flare; keep the screen selected. You can save it as a "PSP" format and the screen will still have the "marching ants". The reason for keeping the "screen" part selected is so that when doing the flare we don't run into the "frame" or outside of the tv screen.
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