Well, I am still in the process of
learning html. Not that you would care too much, but I'll tell ya how it all
My husband (Allen, he is a CPA and you can see his page here) started his
own accounting firm three years ago. With this new business he need some office
equipment; which included a computer. He got a Compaq at that time it was cutting
edge, right? Well, about six or seven months later, he decided he needed
"bigger/faster". You know how it is with men and their toys, but
especially toys that are revenue producing; how could I argue with that! The truth
is that his business was doing so well, he really needed something that was faster and
stored more. This time is got a pentium 133, 64 megs of ram and a 1gig harddrive;
again, at the time it was "state of the art". Well, "what to do with
the compaq?" Oh, Oh, I've got it, give it to me! Right?! Well, I had no
idea what to do with it but I knew I had a computer and wanted to learn. I spent the
next three or four months adjusting the backgrounds, fonts, colors, wallpapers, etc. (you
know the options you have in the "display"). It was all I could do.
For hours I would play with the display. After a few months of playing with the
aesthetics I ventured out of the safety of the "display" and started playing
with a few games and then with Microsoft paintbrush. I thought that paintbrush was
the most sophisticated software EVER! I could not believe all it could do
Oh, those of you who came to shop for backgrounds,
presets for Bladepro (another fun toy)
or if you are looking for some
I won't be offended if you leave to check 'em out. Please let me know what you like
and don't like. If you want something customized, just e-mail me. I'll do
buttons, bars, backgrounds, banners, icons or just about anything else you may want.
Give me some idea of color scheme, etc.
For the rest of you who have absolutely nothing to do but read how I got
started on the computer; I'll wait while you get a cup of coffee and pull up a more
comfortable chair......
Wait, maybe you came by to see one of my boys. I have a 18 years
old, named Jesse (Jesse's Page) (fourwheeling,
muddin', etc keep him busy). He will be graduating this year.
Or maybe you came by to see my other son's page. Kish (Kish's Page) is my 17 year old son.
(skateboarder, feet never touch the ground)
You can check out the webrings I belong to or the awards I have won!
The first webring I got in was probably one
of the best because the expectations were less than low, I also figured it was the
only ring that would let me in.
Anyway, let's see, where were we?.......
Well,,,,,,God Blessed Allen's (my husband) business. You know what
that means don't you? (Oh, before I forget, we got internet service at this time
also. Boy! Was I impressed!!! The information, the colors, the entire
concept just blew me off of my chair.) Well, back to the business. It has been
about 6 months since Allen bought the 133 and wanted/needed "bigger/faster",
"more power", ouungh, ouungh, ouungh! Well, "what to do with the 133?
Lemme guess.....ok, I'll take it off his hands. Now I am cruising the web and
feeling "ok" on the computer. (just to give you an idea of how intimidated
I was when I first got on the compaq, when the screen gave me a choice of "ok"
or "cancel", I always hit "ok" cuz I thought that if I hit
"cancel" that the entire harddrive would be cancelled or voided. The, what
I call the blue screen of death would make me break out in sweats and my head would
tingle. And then the "has performed an illegal function", I locked the
doors, closed the curtains and waited for the CIA/FBI. Years ago, people wouldn't
take the tags off of mattresses and pillows because of that oversized tag that said
how was anyone to know, yet we didn't take the tags off, right? It was sorta the
same with my computer, I thought, somehow THEY would know it had performed an illegal
God is good. Business is great and a bigger/faster computer is a
must! Allen bought a 200, 68meg of ram, 2gig hd; again, at the time, the best one.
Now......I get a pentium! I wasn't sure what that meant but I knew it had to
be good! And it was. Now I am cruising the net and downloading freeware and
shareware, always looking for a better, faster, funner way to do stuff. Mostly I
looked for icons and icon programs to change the icons on desktop and customize the looks
of windows, cuz that IS what I am best at. Well, I finally did it! I got a
program named "dog/cow". Yeah, what the heck is that? It is a
program that changed the startup screen. I never did get to see it cuz I crashed the
computer and got rid of the program. The instructions said something about changing
the system "ini" files; so I did.......that was the last I saw of windows95
(atleast for awhile). Well, that was not the last time I crashed it; I crashed it a
few more times thinking I knew what I was doing, Once I thought I would clean out the
registry! I saw references to programs I had long ago deleted; I guess the
"uninstall" had just forgotten that part of the program. You guessed it,
my computer was down for a couple of days and in the shop. (it has been said that I have
the "hindenburg effect on computers".) I don't even "look" at
the registry today, and another place I don't go is into the deep dark steamy bowels of
"DOS" Even our mouses don't go there. Besides, who can really work
in words with eight letters or less? When mouses go to DOS, I'll check it out.
Well, let's get on with the saga......
If you need a break from the excitement you can check out some good
freeware here. If you see DogCow, I
suggest you pass it by.
So now I have a pentium 133 with a GIG of harddrive. I am
experimenting with programs like Microangelo, Icon Edit and other programs of that sort,
still trying to get my computer to look "just right".
I had gotton into some of the chat stuff, and at first got mirc.
Boy, the neat little things you could do in chat, sending little sounds and
pictures. Then I got pirch, I started making my own popups, etc. This lasted a
couple of months. In one of the chat rooms I met Nitequest (Niteeyez). She offered
assistance when I got hung up on my computer.
Well, a few months later Allen gets a Dell laptop so he can take his
computer to clients. I get the 200 with TWO gigs. By the way, all of the
computers have had 64 megs of ram.
Now this lady, Niteeyez tells me about her home page and I got pretty
interested in the HTML thing but surely would not attempt it on my own. But after
several times chatting with Niteeyez she convinced me to try. Ironically, of all the
millions of people in chat rooms, I met Niteeyez and she lives about 5 miles from me, also
in a little Texas town. She came over to my house one evening and showed me some of
the basics of HTML. She let me have one of her books and told me where and how to
get a free homepage. Well, this was enough to keep me busy for months (and it has).
If not for Niteeyez, you would not be enthralled in this bio!
Well, I got my home page up, but as anyone who has a personal homepage
knows, you are never satisfied with it and tinker with it continuously. And so it
was with me. I found a little HTML program called Arachnophilia. It was free
and helped me to learn more about HTML along with some books that I ordered online from
Amazon . As I cruised the
personal web pages I find that most people are making their own graphics. How could
they do this with paintbrush? Well, they couldn't. Most of them had some
other program with more capabilities. So, I got Paintshop Pro5. What a program. I
could not make hide nor hair of it. I figured out how to make square buttons and did
that for a couple of weeks. The manual was less than useless.
It was not too long before I ventured across some technical help pages
which eventually led me to the PaintShop Pro
Users Group.

I finally learned to make some graphics. Actually, all of the
graphics on my web site are courtesy of myself (oops, the duck and computer at the bottom
of this page is microsoft) and a whole lotta help from tutorials and helpful hints and
tips from the PaintShop Pro
Users Group Forum.
I am really getting into webdesign and making graphics. Now I am hit
with the bigger/faster bug. For my anniversary/valentines day gift, I got a Dell
333, 8gig harddrive, 128 meg of ram, sony trinitron monitor, DVD, stereo surround sound.
I am in business!
I am now using my PaintShop Pro5 on a daily basis. I have purchased FrontPage 98 and
it is the program of my nightmares. If anyone has tips, hints or good basic
tutorials, please e-mail me. The program is great but very extensive.
I want to thank Niteeyez for all of her help. If it had not been for
her, I never would have even know that a web page could be obtained for free and certainly
would never have attempted HTML. I also want to thank all the users in PaintShop Pro Users
Group. I would still be making buttons if not for the tutorials they linked me to
and the help they provided.
Some more of my ramblings.....
I had this candle on my patio in the shade this summer. It does get
hot enough in Texas to fry an egg on the sidewalk

If you are interest in a good Bible, this one is King James Version.
It has maps, dictionaries, weights/measures and a whole lot more, and it's free!

When I first learned how to do mouseovers (rollovers or hover buttons), I
nearly went crazy. (Below is a picture of me after hours of playing with one.)
I finally decided that I would just copy the code from page to page changing the
image names. I did run into a program that will generate the script. You can check it out here.
It is also free. I have used a lot of freeware and most of it proves tobe quite
good. On my "Friends, Banners and Links I like", I have included links to
some great freeware places.
Me working
with mouseover. I am sure you have been there too, for one reason or another
