Ok, I'm gonna
hook ya up with some links that I like. There are links of friends, tutorials for
PaintShop Pro5, site with Tubes and Brushes and Presets for Paintshop Pro and
Bladepro, Freeware sites and anything else I feel is worthy of mention. I mean this
is one time when what I think is important, gets a mention. So, on with the
No Nags Freeware Completely Free Software
Freehound Freeware Home Free Webspace
Here is a tutorial on how to make the above mouseover buttons
Some of these tutorials were of special interest. In the case of a tutorial I especially liked, I'll make note of the actual tutorial I did
Hoods (I learned how to to stars here) | Mardiweb (great cutout tutorial) |
Angela's (I got alot of tutorials here) | Designed to a T |
Vistor | Wagner (variety) |
State of Entropy | Sumrallworks (alot of tutorials) |
CarolUK | Athena |
This is the lady I mentioned on the first page of my site. She got me started on HTML.