links.gif (29909 bytes)Ok, I'm gonna hook ya up with some links that I like.  There are links of friends, tutorials for PaintShop Pro5,  site with Tubes and Brushes and Presets for Paintshop Pro and Bladepro, Freeware sites and anything else I feel is worthy of mention.  I mean this is one time when what I think is important, gets a mention.  So, on with the mentions.



No Nags Freeware     Completely Free Software 

  Freehound     Freeware Home     Free Webspace

Here is a tutorial on how to make the above mouseover buttons



Some of these tutorials were of special interest.  In the case of a tutorial I especially liked, I'll make note of the actual tutorial I did

  Hoods (I learned how to to stars here)   Mardiweb (great cutout tutorial)
  Angela's (I got alot of tutorials here)   Designed to a T  
  Vistor   Wagner (variety)
  State of Entropy   Sumrallworks (alot of tutorials)
   CarolUK   Athena


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This is the lady I mentioned on the first page of my site.  She got me started on HTML.

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Home Bio Links (Tutorials,  Freewarez, etc.)
Jesse Kish Backgrounds
Presets (Bladepro) Tutorials Tubes
Fun Stuff Girls Only Pets
Texas RoadKill Award Winners of RoadKill Award Webrings
Awards Bathing Suite Blues Stuff
Yall'bonics Wife Software