bgtitle.jpg (25537 bytes)

To download a background, "right" click and "save image as".  That's all!

These backgrounds can be used in a couple of different ways.  One, of course, is for a background for a web page.  The other is for wallpaper for your computer (desktop).  To use as a wallpaper, convert the image to a bitmap, then put a copy of it in your windows folder (it is right off of your "C" Drive).  The next time you go to your display properties, you will see it in the wallpaper, select the one you want and select "tile".  Whala! A much more pleasing desktop.  If you do not have a program that will convert these gifs/jpgs to a bitmap, e-mail me and I will convert it for you, or lighten/darken it or even customize a completely different one for you.

bgbarkmed.jpg (4254 bytes) bgblue.gif (22324 bytes) bgbluegoo.jpg (2296 bytes) bgbluepaint.jpg (3113 bytes) bgbluerough.jpg (6194 bytes)
bgbluocean.jpg (2891 bytes) bgbrickcoarse.jpg (5119 bytes) bgburntorange.gif (22371 bytes) bggrass.gif (16359 bytes) bggreenpaint.jpg (5303 bytes)
bggrenmarble.jpg (2668 bytes) bgltbluclouds.jpg (3254 bytes) bgmableltblue.gif (20960 bytes) bgbluemix.jpg (8341 bytes) bgmedwood.jpg (3046 bytes)
bgnitesky.jpg (5848 bytes) bgpink1.jpg (2794 bytes) bgsalmon.jpg (5683 bytes) bgsalmonpaint.gif (7412 bytes) bgsalmonrough.jpg (6306 bytes)
bgsky.jpg (3899 bytes) bggrnwood.jpg (2525 bytes) bgsoftpink.jpg (1294 bytes) bgtextblu.jpg (15295 bytes) bgbluestar.jpg (1449 bytes)
bgtext1.gif (24709 bytes)        




You can find many sites that offer wallpaper etc. just below in the Wallpaper Web Ring:


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