I scanned these tubes from a poster I got from James Avery.
I have compressed these images for faster loading and that is why the reds look distorted around the tube.
If you need instructions installing tubes, check the main tube page.
These images were made using the tubes below. The preset "pearl" was used on the dove, the preset "blue glitter" was used on the scalloped shell, and the "brocade" was used on the fluer de lis. These preset are on my "Presets" page.
OMEGA - In Revelations, Jesus called himself the Alpha and the Omega, meaning
He existed before anything else and will exist after all else ceases. He is the
First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Alpha and Omega are the first and
last letters of the Greek alphabet.
- "Angel" comes from the Greek word angelos, meaning
"messenger." Angels are spiritual beings and interact with people on earth
at God's Direction. They bring us news, such as the birth of Jesus, and watch over
and protect us from harm (Ref. Matthew 18:10).
Historically, the lamb was used to symbolize innocence and was also a sacrificial
animal. the Agnus Dei, or Lamb of God, is an ancient symbol of Christ and His
sacrifice. The cross stands for Christ's victory over sin and death. Biblical
references include John 1:29 and Revelation 14:1
- Because the butterfly metamorphoses from a caterpillar to a chrysalis and
finally becomes a butterfly, it is a strong resurrection symbol. Christ was born of
a woman to be human, was crucified and buried in a tomb, and was then glorified after His
crucifixion as the risen, victorious Christ.
CROSS - Also called the Cross of Iona, the Celtic cross has origins in
the fifth century. These crosses marked cemeteries, crossroads, and other important
places; some stood 15 feet tall. Most of the later crosses, erected in the 10th
century, were elaborately carved with Christian themes. The circle in the center of
every Celtic cross stands for eternity.
CHALICE - The chalice is
the cup from which a church community partakes of the consecrated water and wine during
the celebration of the Eucharist (Ref. Mark 14:23). The chalice is named the cup of
salvation in Psalm 116. It is one of the most profound symbols of Christian faith.
CHI RHO - One of the most
ancient of Christian symbols, the Chi Rho is an abbreviation of "Christ."
The Chi and the Rho are the first two Greek letters of His name. Archeologists have
discovered many forms of the Chi Rho on pottery, lamps, and coins.
HEART - In 1 Samuel 16:7, the Lord
teaches that he does not see us as we see each other. While we look at each other's
outward appearances, the Lord looks to our hearts. The heart and cross is symbolic
for the love Christians have for God, but also stands for the great and complete love that
God has for His children.
- When the dogwoods bloom in the spring, the blossoms resemble crosses. Each petal
bears a mark like a nail print on its outermost edge, and the circle in the center of each
flower suggests the crown of thorns. The dogwood blossom, then, becomes a beautiful
symbol for Christ's Passion.
LIS - The three petals of the Fleur de Lis are symbols of the
three-in-one concept of the Holy Trinity;God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
It may also be a conventionalized form of the lily used to depict the Annunciation
of Mary.
- Many different forms of the cross exist, and the Greek cross is one of the most
basic. it has arms of equal length and so is symmetrical. It is an ancient
form of the cross and is traditionally used to decorate alters, being incised in the wood
or stone.
- In Greek, the first letters of the words, "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior"
Ichthus, meaning "fish." When the early Christians were persecuted, they
used the Ichthus as a secret sign to identify themselves to each other. Today, it is
one of the most widely recognized symbols of Christianity.
INRI - These four initials are
the Latin abbreviation for Jesus Nazarenus Rex ludaeorum: "Jesus of Nazareth, King of
the Jews." Pontius Pilate had it written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek and nailed
to the cross above Christ's head (Ref. John 19:19)
THE LILY - Most often associated
with the Virgin Mary, the lily is a symbol of purity. It has also become an
attribute of the archangel Gabriel, who is often depicted presenting a lily to Mary during
the Annunciation, when he told her she was to be the mother of Christ.
THE ROSE - St. Ambrose told the
story that the rose first grew in the Garden of Eden without thorns and produced thorns
only after the fall of man. The rose is a symbol of the Virgin Mary; because she was
free of original sin, she is sometimes referred to as "a rose without thorns."
DOLLAR - the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus are shown on this
shell. On one side, an easter lily contains a five pointed star, the Star of
Bethlehem. The five narrow slits in the shell are symbolic of the crucifixion wounds
of Christ's hands, feet, and side. The reverse side bears a shape like a poinsettia.
SHELL - St. John is often depicted baptizing Christ with water poured from a
scallop shell. The shell has become a common symbol of baptism, specifically, the
baptism of Christ. The scallop shell is often used in Christian artwork to symbolize
IHS - Jesus' name in Greek was
IHCOYC, which was abbreviated to IHC. The "C" and the "S" are
variants within the Greek alphabet. This widely used monogram of Christ is often
incorporated into Latin cross designs. The IHS is an ancient Christian symbol.
DESCENDING DOVE - The Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended upon Jesus
at His baptism in the river Jordan. At Pentecost, the descending dove appeared again
to renew the apostles and enable them to spread God's Good News. The Holy Spirit is
now most often depicted in the form of a descending dove.
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(*) Meanings of symbols are from a poster I got from James Avery; a christian jeweler. Thank you Mr. Avery.
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