I was reading all the books, we went to childbirth classes, had a baby shower, all the things that first time parents usually do. I felt great through most of the pregnancy. I never had morning sickness or anything(lucky me!) I had heartburn and that was much worse toward the end. I never went anywhere without my bottle of TUMS :) My due date was September 26th, 1994.
I was so worried that I would not know when I went into labor, I didn't know what contractions felt like! But I worried for nothing because I knew exactly when it was time! It's almost like my pregnancy and birth went right by all the pregnancy books I had read! He was even born right on his due date!
It was sunday night, the 25th, which was the night before my due date. I started having some cramping and wasn't quite sure what it was until about 10:00 pm when they began to get a bit stronger and were coming about every 20 min. or so! These were contractions! Of course I got so excited but I decided to try to get some sleep. I couldn't get any sleep so I just lay in bed reading a book and keeping an eye on the clock. Chuck was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up in case this was a false alarm! Well by about 2 am my contractions were an average of about 12 min apart and they hadn't let up so I called the doctor! He told me yes, it's sounds like you are having contractions. Start timing them and when they are coming 5 min apart for an hour, you can come to the hospital. No sooner had I hung up the phone than my contractions were getting closer together. After a few more they were 5 min apart. I wrote them down each time I had one, and the next hour went by pretty fast since I was still reading my book to keep busy.
I decided it was time to wake up Chuck. I told him it was time to go to the hospital and since he had been asleep most of the time I had been having contractions, he was pretty suprised and excited! We were really pretty calm though and took our time getting to the hospital. On the way there I was having contractions 2 and 3 minutes apart. They were uncomfortable, but I wouldn't exactly say painful yet! :) We arrived at the hospital at about 4 am. When I was examined, I was dilated to 4 cm already!
For the first few hours I was pretty comfortable, Chuck and I took several walks up and down the halls. I felt much better when I was up walking. My doctor got to the hospital at about 7:30 am and he decided to break my water. Then he said he would be going to his office to handle his regular appointments. The hospital would call him when I was closer to delivering. I had 2 thoughts, first, his office is 20-25 minutes way. Then I thought HE"S LEAVING?!?!?!?!?! Chuck had called our families and by now my dad had arrived and also my sister in law. It meant a lot to have my dad there since my mom couldn't be. It hadn't quite been 2 years since she died when Kyle was born.
My contractions continued to get stronger and they were painful but bearable :) After about 3 or 4 hrs more, my doctor returned to the hospital. Shortly after he was there I was fully dilated and ready to push! This took a while...I pushed for over an hour and a half! But then at 1:37 in the afternoon, barely more than 9 1/2 hours after getting to the hospital, Kyle Robert was born! When he first came out I was kind of shocked, it seemed like they practically tossed him up onto my stomach and he was squirming around like crazy while Chuck cut the umbilical cord! We had already known we were having a boy, but it was still a wonderful suprise to actually hear the words "It's a boy!" There was one slight problem during my delivery, the baby was still up pretty high he had never "dropped" so they had to use a vacuum extractor(a suction attached to babys head) to help him come out. Attaching that was more painful than any of the contractions! But all in all, everything went so well I was actually suprised. And I expected if I had any more kids I would have an even easier time. But if you want to read about that...go to Cody's birth story! :)
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