A special Mom and Grammy

who is missed more than words can say!

Shirley Joanne
December 11th, 1945 - December 7th, 1992

On December 7th, 1992, I not only lost my mom but my very best friend. She was only 46 years old, she died 4 days before she would have turned 47. click herefor more on how she died.

It's been over 5 yrs since she died and I still miss her every day! She was also a wonderful Grandma and it's very hard that she never got to see my kids. When she died she was "Grammy" to four grandkids. Now she has 10 grandchildren! One, Thomas William, has already joined her in heaven after only a few short days of life.
mom with her 1st grandchild, Jessica

mom with 1st and 2nd grandchildren, Jessica and Mikey

She was the wonderful mom of Bob, Mike, Bill and Brenda(myself). I am the baby and also the only girl, my mom and I were very close.

here are just a few pictures and I hope to add more later! There aren't enough pictures of her, she was always the one behind the camera! (seems like the same thing has happened in my own family! I'm always the one TAKING the pictures!)

mom's graduation picture

mom with me on my graduation

me and mom

me and mom

the"look"you got when she was mad:)

mom on the phone

me and mom with my niece Jenny

mom on the "Shirley Joanne III"

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