Treasured Memories
"The Quilt Frame"
It sat in the middle of the living room. A room so named because it was the more formal room but not much "living" was done there. My grandparents used that room on special occasions when the family and friends gathered to celebrate. My grandmother used the room at other times. It's those times that I most fondly remember. The reason? The quilt frame.
I was the youngest of only two granddaughters and a multitude of grandsons all around! Many times I found myself to be the only girl on the farm. I didn't mind though because I was given those precious moments to spend with a wonderful woman - my grandmother. My grandmother was an angel sent to earth. I know...all grandmothers are angels but to me, mine was most special.
Let me paint you a picture. She was small, shorter than me as an adult but she was also wonderfully soft and round. Her smile crinkled her entire face and her eyes shone like bright sparklers. Her hair was a soft white mass of curls, I remember her using bobby pins to make those little pin curls. I remember her peeking out the front window anytime a car drove into the drive. I would jump from the car and run up the front brick walk bordered by bright yellow daffodils and meet her at the door. A wonderful reunion every time.
Needless to say, I loved her and she loved me. But I digress, after all this story is about the living room and its' treasures. First it was just a neat place to play house. It made a perfect tent. Many a warm summer afternoon was spent under that tent with my grandmother's knees nearby and her hands working diligently under and over my "tent". But one day, I happened to take a good look at my playhouse and realized what was on the top. What had been above me all that time was a succession of beautiful quilts. Lovingly made by those dear grandmother hands. Gifts for her children and grandchildren, neighbors and friends, those who had lost everything and needed warmth most of all.That day the quilt frame became something other than a "tent".
"Grandma, will you show me how to do that?" was asked by this little nine year old girl. "Of course" was the immediate answer. And so began an adventure that has carried me through happy and sad times. An adventure that has introduced me to friends from around the world. But most of all an adventure that has given me the most wonderful, treasured memories of a beautiful woman. A woman that I was blessed to have as a grandmother and inspiration for my life.
That beautiful woman is gone now. But I have those memories and that very first little block created by two pairs of hands - one old and wrinkled and one young and smooth. A little Dutch Doll. And I also have the quilt made by those older hands especially for me when I was a young woman. Another little Dutch Doll. I have other quilts, her's and mine, other memories, sad and happy. Not one will I ever forget nor ever regret. Lesson learned, all quilts and the memories they contain are treasures.
Thank you Grandma, I miss you and I love you.
...more memories...
My quilts
Dear Jane page 1
Dear Jane page 2
Dear Jane page 3
Dear Jane page 4
Crazy quilts
The Zoo