The Sink Kitty!

This my precious living treasure. His name is Peanut Butter and he is at least part Maine Coon....meaning he's a big kitty! We used to live with many other cats but now he is a one cat household and he loves being king of his domain! PB is also known as the "sink kitty" - he is quite fond of sleeping in the bathroom sink. I don't know why but it is one of his favorite places. He found the sink on his first night in our new home and promptly claimed it as his own. Someday maybe I'll be able to catch him in his favorite place and get a picture of him, in the meantime here are some shots of my beautiful baby. The first picture was taken when he was about a year old and all the rest are at two years.

NEW! Peanut Butter now has a little sister! Her name is Peaches and she's a darling 6 weeks old now. Scroll down to see pictures of her exploring her new home.

Peanut Butter at one!

Peanut Butter at two! The King of his domain.

Peaches - I wonder what she is saying?

"Wonder why this thing won't go?"

"EEK! It's an awfully long way down!"

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