An Introduction to ME!

Yes, this is really me, at my favorite quilt shop, in front of my favorite color! Blue! Could you have ever guessed?

And this is the entrance to my favorite quilt shop - Village Quilt Shop in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

Interior shots of VQS...these don't do the shop justice. There are three rooms of wonderful material, books, supplies, etc. Plus a long hallway full of stuff leading to the classroom.

And Now! On to my Dear Jane construction shots.....these are taken in my new sewing room which is still under construction itself!

First, I must introduce you to the great guardian of the quilt room, books in particular! Beware the fluffy Peanut Butter! Dare to touch "his" books and know the wrath of cat.

Here are a few of my blue janes stripped together in groups of four, you can see my sashing and cornerstones this way...

That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed your virtual tour of my favorite sewing haunts and my Baby Jane Blues!

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