One of my favorite things to do on the internet is to chat with other users from all over this great big world of ours. There are many different ways to do this.

Here are some of my favorites!!

Internet Relay Chat. This is a text based chat that has many wonderful features. You can play wavs, popups (ascii art) in the channels and also send files to other users. This is the first chat program that I tried and is still my favorite one. There are many differents servers and literally thousands of people on at one time. I can usually be found on Undernet or Starchat. Look for me on my favorite channels #Newfolks or #toyschat on Starchat. a great online pager and communication program. With this program you can know instantly when your friends are online. You can be surfing the net and still send messages, files, or web addresses to your friends and surf the net together. You can also open up a chat window with one or several friends and enjoy a real time chat (no enter key or refresh screen).

ICUII....The Best Video On The Planet .... ICUII VideoPhone Program Get it Now !! Icuii has a free 15 day trial and the program costs 24.95 to purchase. a free video chat program. Great audio with this one. You can have audio and video with only one person at a time but you can have text chat with as many as you like. You can also switch your video and audio to different friends as your chatting.

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