- 12/14/00 16:46:09
Roy Starrin - 08/17/00 12:49:32
My Email:starrin@exis.net
How did you find my page?: Looking for things "Escanaba"
Where are you from?: Virginia Beach, VA
Favorite NFL team?: Packers
Good to be back, even in cyberspace. Would love to hear from folks up there.
Seth - 08/06/00 13:54:58
My Email:sweenmk@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: surfed on
Where are you from?: Kalamazoo area
Favorite NFL team?: Packers
former yooper(Manistique)now living amongst the trolls. Stopped in to say Hi! nice site!
joe derocher - 04/23/00 02:08:16
My Email:poodle @ compaq.net
How did you find my page?: search
Where are you from?: bark river, org now fla
Favorite NFL team?: green bay
please e mail me if you got a way to get info on local chat in esky, or surronding areas
Gerardo E. Wills - 03/08/00 06:38:29
My Email:gewills@pointecom.net
How did you find my page?: Your name in ICQ
Where are you from?: Houston, Texas
Favorite NFL team?: Red Skins
I never been inside your Web page, I am really impressed, beautiful, well done…. congratulations
Jerry Wills
Houston, Texas
John Routhier - 02/29/00 04:14:54
My Email:monkeynose@earthlink.net
How did you find my page?: college
Where are you from?: Seattle
Favorite NFL team?: PACKERS
Originally from Green Bay WI. Moved to Stephenson, MI. and now live in the Seattle area but working as a merchant marine officer on the great lakes for American Steamship Company...HELLO!
Eve Lange - 01/23/00 21:55:03
My Email:daveeve@execpc.com
How did you find my page?: Jessica
Where are you from?: Waupaca, WI
Favorite NFL team?: Packers
Really enjoyed your website. You seem like really
down to earth people. Real people!
Lori - 01/01/00 21:41:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8549/
How did you find my page?: From another I think...?
Where are you from?: Michigan
Favorite NFL team?: I really am a nice person, but I don't care for football.
Hello from down below. Just wanted to let you know I'd been here and leave my mark, as well as a Happy New Year!
Tony has some awesome Big Boy Toys! *G*
Linda Lee - 11/17/99 03:02:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pond/1232/
How did you find my page?: surfed into it
Where are you from?: Indianapolis
Favorite NFL team?: Colts...but I still cheer the Packers for my dad!
I used to be a Yooper 20 years ago!
poodle - 11/06/99 23:43:31
My Email:poodle@compaq.net
How did you find my page?: yooper
Where are you from?: bark river
Favorite NFL team?: green bay
coolest site i"ve seen yet. i live in florida now for the last 13 yrs. my mom lives off old st road nowwas just lookin for old friends there. good job on the site!
Mike Malone - 06/12/99 08:01:18
My Email:mikey533@hotmail
How did you find my page?: surfin
Where are you from?: Norway MI
Favorite NFL team?: guess
Hi from Hungary.
Roy LaValley - 05/01/99 13:29:48
My Email:rolav@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: ICQ
Where are you from?: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Favorite NFL team?: CFL fan in canada
Hi there, loved you web page and loved chatting with you. Hope to see you again soon. Best regards to you and your family. Love the web page
Billy Hone - 04/18/99 10:26:46
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Perry Sohr - 12/30/98 20:45:19
My Email:pdsohr@mail.portup.com
How did you find my page?: Dogpile, Yooper
Where are you from?: Menominee
Favorite NFL team?: Packers
Da ya know any cute Indian girls dat are
single & 30ish?
JIM - 12/26/98 03:03:55
How did you find my page?: SEARCHED FO YOOPER
Favorite NFL team?: PACKERS
Brian Morren - 12/15/98 18:54:55
My URL:http://www.newnorth.net/~bmorren/index.html
My Email:bmorren@newnorth.net
How did you find my page?: With my compass
Where are you from?: Backwoods of Wisconsin
Favorite NFL team?: The Packers (are there others?)
Was searching through Yooper-themed pages and stopped here to rest and look around. You've done an outstanding job! Stop by my site some time and have a look at my little slice of the Northwoods. Later, eh?
Brett Hill - 12/01/98 01:27:33
My Email:acsupply@netnet.net
How did you find my page?: surfing
Where are you from?: Green Bay
Favorite NFL team?: Is'nt there a team nearby?
Love the site! Esky is my 2nd favorite town in the yoop! (Grand Marias is 1st; that's where camp is.) It's great to be able to go up north with the stroke of a key. Please keep it up.
Nipsy - 11/24/98 22:17:58
How did you find my page?: under Esky search
Where are you from?: Esky/NC now
Favorite NFL team?: Packers
10/04/98 10:59:05
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Sue - 09/27/98 18:52:56
My URL:/Heartland/Plains/3454
Where are you from?: Baraga
Favorite NFL team?: Packers
Great Home Page!! I'm always looking for Yooper
Pages to add as links on my page, especially for
a Packer Fan!
Yoopergal - 09/26/98 17:52:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/Yooperland/index.html
My Email:atrudell@bresnanlink.net
How did you find my page?: Yooper Home Pages
Where are you from?: Escanaba Township
Favorite NFL team?: Detroit Lions
Hi! Great to see you are still in Cyberland...haven't seen you in ages, thought you dropped offline. I'm the person from Starlink (#sanctuary) and Viau's Market,aka Ann. Great website you have going, keep up the good work!
chatmama - 09/20/98 00:57:53
My Email:chatmama@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: from YOUR icq info!
Where are you from?: Upper Michigan
I used to live in Esky too! So glad to make your acquaintance in icu!!!
Nice page...keep up the GREAT work!
Kara Townsend - 06/27/98 06:43:09
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)
Chuck Joncas - 06/24/98 23:37:32
My Email:cljoncas@edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu
How did you find my page?: You sent me here(no thanks to YOUR potato
Where are you from?: Esky
Hi Jan, I really like all of your page.I even followed your links and enjoyed them too.Looks like you have put a lot of effort in this, keep up the good work!!! Talk to you on ICQ.
Dayne - 06/06/98 20:41:07
My Email:dayne@interaccess.com
How did you find my page?: toolman & Jess's page
Where are you from?: Chicago Illinois
Favorite NFL team?: DA Bears!!!!!
Was cruising threw my mom and dads site and checked out your page. Is fantastic.
Good choice of music.
Cat - 05/27/98 07:54:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/7046/directory.htm
My Email:catCL@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: I came right in! Through Geocities!
Where are you from?: Ferdinand, Indiana
Favorite NFL team?: Packers!!!
I love your pages! Thanks for a great visit!
guess who - 05/18/98 20:03:45
My Email:toyrun94@sprintmail.com
How did you find my page?: you told me
Where are you from?: my place
Favorite NFL team?: greenbay packers
Its really shaping up to be a beautiful site..
Lisa Ingebrigtsen - 05/16/98 02:28:57
My Email:l_ingebrigtsen @ hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Esc.
Favorite NFL team?: Packers
Jan I love your homepage Its awesome we
really enjoyed it.
Lisa Ingebrigtsen - 05/16/98 02:22:36
My Email:l_ingebrigtsen @ hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Esc.
Favorite NFL team?: Packers
Jan I love your homepage Its awesome we
really enjoyed it too cool
Kathy - 05/04/98 05:16:08
My URL:/Heartland/Hills/3789
My Email:gypsyrad@bigfoot.com
How did you find my page?: from Linda..*S*
Where are you from?: Adelaide..South Australia
Favorite NFL team?: Go the cheeseheads!!!!!
Hi Jan, how lovely it was to chat with you last night.. I love you pages and can't wait to see what else you are going to do on them..*S* isn't this fun?? *LOL* We love the Packers...when Neil was living in Wisconsin for 12 months many years he used to b
rrack for them and has loved them ever since..and we even get to see the
games over here too would you believe..*G*
Hi. This is Kristin Clairmont. I remember having you as a secretary when i was in grade school. I miss grade school but I love high school. Your page is done really well. I enjoyed looking at it and i have it bookmarked. Hope to talk to you soon. Good
Darlene - 04/19/98 20:49:02
How did you find my page?: The Yooper Page Guestbook
Where are you from?: L'Anse
Good job!!
Bottine - 04/19/98 12:23:07
My Email:Not allowed
How did you find my page?: I was ordered to see it
Favorite NFL team?: Is this a sports thing?
Very nicely done web page, Congrats..
Rebecca De Grand - 04/19/98 06:13:31
My Email:DAYOOPER25@aol.com
How did you find my page?: Yooper Page
Where are you from?: Escanaba/now Seattle,WA
Favorite NFL team?: Packers of course!
Please add some nice pics of the fall colors. I miss that the most about the UP. There are mostly evergreens here and the deciduous trees only turn a yellow and brown in the fall.
Sue - 04/16/98 15:26:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/3454
How did you find my page?: Stingray's Page
Where are you from?: Baga
Favorite NFL team?: Packers
Hi, I'm always out looking for Yooper pages. Us Yooper have to stick together! Nice work keep it up. I'm going to add your page to my Yooper links.
JimGreen - 04/04/98 18:15:55
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/jimgreen/
My Email:jcgreen@geocities.com
How did you find my page?: Quite easily, although the directions you gave me were way off...
Where are you from?: Helsinki, Finland
Favorite NFL team?: National Figure skating League, right!?
Your page looks very nice and I mean it.. ;)
See you online!
Kathee - 03/28/98 18:52:44
My URL:http://www.prado.com/~spclkath/
My Email:spclkath@prado.com
How did you find my page?: From my own guestbook =)
Where are you from?: California
Favorite NFL team?: ummm if you ask about NASCAR I could tell you.. lol... but I don't do football.
Thanks for the wonderful comments in my book! I was equally happy with your site. While browsing you site I got stuck on Tony's page because my fiancee is also a private pilot and he was admiring it inch by inch while telling me again that we are buying
plane! LOL.. though most of his flying is done in cessnas, he used to own one of those man made *Kit* helicopters *he left so I dont remember what it is called* I enjoyed the whole site. And congratulations on the upcoming wedding of your daughter too!
am glad that my pages provided a use for you, it is wonderful people like yourself that make that site the success that it is and makes it worth keeping up. Will be back again to see how your site continues it's growth.
Tammy - 03/25/98 22:11:27
My URL:http://edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu/~tbushey
My Email:tbushey@edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu
How did you find my page?: I have mysterious powers!!
Where are you from?: Yooperville!!
Favorite NFL team?: Packers (Go Pack Go!!)
Hi Jan,
Neat page!!! I'm impressed! I was surfing and thought I'd stop in for a quick visit. Keep up the good work! Now that you've done this....what's left for you to discover?? You've come a very long way in a short time! Call me sometime.
Tw - 03/18/98 23:39:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Toywalker
My Email:Toywalker@sprintmail.com
How did you find my page?: from your sis
Where are you from?: Florida
Favorite NFL team?: Packers !!
Great page Esky !! Enjoyed it and am impressed.
Da-48Ford - 03/10/98 02:53:37
My Email:mrostric@hettinger.ctctel.com
How did you find my page?: you told me about it
Where are you from?: Norht Dakota
Favorite NFL team?: Dever Brancos
It was a good page. I liked every thing execpt the Packers thing :) just kidding. you did a good job
wildthing - 02/28/98 15:21:20
My URL:http://geocities,com/SouthBeach/cove/8821/
My Email:carluccip@usa.net
Hi Eskygal great page keep up the geat work , i'll be back to check out soon !
Teri DeGrand - 02/27/98 02:10:56
My Email:tdegrand@nmu.edu
How did you find my page?: you are my mother :)
Where are you from?: your house :)
Favorite NFL team?: Green Bay Packers!!!!
Hello mother :) I love ya :)
luvroses - 02/27/98 01:39:16
My Email:nstropaaaa2up.net
How did you find my page?: you told me
Where are you from?: upper michigan
Favorite NFL team?: none
hi sis
great start on your page i look forward to seeing where it goes in the future .. but ya have to loose the packer page lol and the nfl team like you like sports sis rofl luv yah :)
Edna - 02/26/98 21:51:46
How did you find my page?: u sent it to me.
Where are you from?: here
Favorite NFL team?: is there any other.
looking good lin........ u r doing a great job on here...... after u r done here u can do mine.heheheh
Stingray - 02/26/98 10:13:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~stingray125/
My Email:blajoie@bresnanlink.net
How did you find my page?: I did,so why worry about it??
Where are you from?: Negaunee!!
Favorite NFL team?: Do I have one??
Hello Jan...
Angelfire - 02/26/98 03:20:26
My URL:/Heartland/Hills/9474
My Email:librown@up.net
How did you find my page?: It just appeared b4 me!
Where are you from?: Michigan (I'm a Yooper..Your a Yopper...Wouldnt you want to be a Yooper too..? *S*
Favorite NFL team?: What is the NFL?
Hiya Jan...you are going to have fun with this..
I'll be back here often to see how its coming along...I cant wait to see what the NFL is...*giggle*
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