Hi, Glad you stopped in!
Now lets see, if your here it's to find out a little about me. Well, I live in Upper Michigan (Yes, I'm a YOOPER), I'm 41 years old and married to a wonderful man whom I have celebrated 24 wedding anniversaries with so far. We have one child, a beautiful daughter,Teri, who is now 20 years old and just finished the first semester of her 2nd year in college at NMU-Northern Michigan University.
(Allow me to brag a bit *S* she did very well and we are VERY PROUD of her!!)
I work for the Escanaba Area Public Schools as a Secretary/Teacher Answering Service at the Senior High School. A job I have to admit that I LOVE !!
My husband, Tony, also works for the Escanaba Area Public Schools as a bus driver. A job he also loves. We both are able to enjoy our summers off together, an added bonus for us both, and a great way for Tony to enjoy his favorite pasttime. He is a private pilot and he owns a couple of small planes that he loves to fly every chance he gets (check out Tony's Toys:) We live out in the country and are fortunate enough to own enough land that he is able to take off and land from home. So it's not uncommon for my yard to feel like a mini airport in the summer *S*.
We have 1 dog and a cat. We also raise a few beef cows and occasionally pigs for ourselves. Tony was born and raised on a dairy farm so this is something that he really enjoys.
Well, that's enough about us for now *S* Hope you enjoy your visit through my pages and don't forget to sign the guestbook so I know that you were here *S*
Thanks for stopping by!!
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