Like most guys I LOVE tools!  The more the merrier!  Every few days or so I get an uncontrollable urge to buy more, luckily my wife usually brings me back to my senses.  Unfortunately I'm proof positive that the tools don't make the project.  If you added up the cost of all my tools and then the value (either real or imagined) of my finished projects........... oh well I guess you get the point!

Here is my Ryobi BT3000 10" Table saw with sliding miter table and side router table.  The BT3000 is a very reliable saw as long as you take the time to ensure the alignment is proper. The aluminum table, fence and lack of a miter slot make it tough to fit conventional accessories on it (magnetic feather boards etc.) but with a little ingenuity and the extra accessory kit you can make do. I'd be happy to discuss the relative merits of the saw with you if you drop me a line. I just recently added a Miter Slot Table for it and just completed installing 3 storage drawers into the saw stand. I also put the whole saw on a Delta Mobile Base, which is great I can move the whole shooting match with one finger!


This is my Delta 16" Drill press with a combination vise that I put rubber jaws in. Also next to it is a Wet/Dry Grinder with a 1000 grit wet stone that I use for sharpening my Lathe tools.

This craftsman lathe is probably 50 years old or more, I've rebuilt the spindle and retrofitted a live center on it. I need a new motor but that will have to wait. I recently purchased two Henry Taylor Superflute Bowl Gouges, only time will tell if these improve my technique or not. 

To the right is my Delta 16" three wheel band saw I've been known to  run a 1/2" blade on it even though its not recommended.


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