Here are a few of the small projects I've done in the past few years.  It seems I spend more time making Jigs and "Accessories" for my shop than I do making heirlooms.  But like I said earlier it's not about what you make, its about having fun making it.

This is a Cheval type Dressing Mirror that I designed for my wife.  It's made of Oak with Mortise and Tendon joints for the feet and stand.  I used biscuits for the frame (a first for me).  Since I'm 6'5" tall this piece is a wee bit larger than your typical mirror at 5'8" tall and 2' wide (overall).  I tend to design things on the large side which is a problem for everyone else, not me. This piece will definitely be around for quite a while, my wife can't wait to see our daughter in her wedding gown in it (she's 3 now!).   


This was made as a gift for a friend, it's a  simple cherry jewelry box (5"x 3"x 3"H) with red felt lining.  I used miter joints on this, my next try will be with box joints.  One thing about being an amateur woodworker every one in the family knows they'll get something made of wood for Christmas!


These are some bird houses and a Suet Feeder my son and I made last month.  They may not be all that fancy but we had a great time making them.  Some of the best times we've had together have been in the "shop" and he already knows that it's our place " no women allowed" as he's been heard to say ( I swear I didn't teach him that!)   


This is a copy of an Oak TV tray table I saw in a local furniture store one day.  I told my father-in-law about it (he's a fellow woodworking enthusiast) and he convinced a friend to go into the store and measure it up.  He made a couple of them for himself and I made one too.  It's pretty neat, small enough to keep out of your way when not in use and I like the way it slides right over the couch seat so it's right next to you.  Quite a handy little TV accessory!! 



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