
Bloomington Calendar
of Events
Little 500
Made famous by the movie "Breaking Away," this competitive event features
some of Indiana University's best cyclists - Armstrong Stadium, Indiana
Gus Macker
This 3-on-3 basketball event features over 1,000 teams competing in several
divisions - Memorial Stadium parking lot, Indiana University
Bloomington Early Music
As part of the nationally acclaimed IU School of Music, the festival presents
music and instruments of the 17th century. Great performances presented all
weekend long. Audiences will enjoy an array of diverse music performed in
an intimate setting.
Women's Music Festival
Celebrate with some of the most talented women in today's music - Indiana
Taste of Bloomington
Food fair featuring 30 - 35 local restaurants, music. The taste of Bloomington is Saturday June 20 at the Showers Plaza on
Morton Street from 2 - 10 pm. Admission prices have not been set
yet. If you would like further information you can contact the
Commission for Bloomington Downtown at 812-336-3681.
Art Fair on the Square
Previously a two-day fair, this annual event takes place in conjunction with
Taste of Bloomington - Courthouse Lawn, Downtown Bloomington
Bloomington Garden Walk
Features five residential gardens that have been selected to represent the
many aspects of gardening. Includes Hilltop Gardens where more than 50 varieties
of perennials bloom. Other gardens change from year to year.
NCAA Track and Field Championships
See some great athletes from around the world perform at the Billy Hayes
Track. Tickets are available through the IU Ticket office.
Picnic with the Pops
July 4th - celebrate great music, food and fireworks - Armstrong Stadium
Monroe County Fall Festival
Games, music, regional entertainment, parade - Downtown Ellettsville.
- Fourth Street Festival
- One of my favorite festivals. The nations finest artists display and hope to entice you with their wares.
Third and High Festival of the Arts
Music, crafts, children's games - St. Charles Catholic Church
Lotus World Music Festival
Music from around the world is highlighted in several venues throughout the
downtown. A world market place - Throughout downtown Bloomington
Hilly Hundred
A two-day bicycle tour through the scenic hills of southern Indiana - Bloomington
High School North
Canopy of Lights
Santa lights the downtown in a magic land of holiday lights, horse drawn
carriages, music and bargains - Downtown Bloomington
Chimes of Christmas
Classical music and beautiful voices help celebrate the season - Indiana
Madrigal Dinner
Enjoy the holidays in the days of merry old England with celebration of food,
music and mime - Indiana University
Bring the entire family to this holiday classic of dance and music - Indiana