
The Arts
in Bloomington
Bloomington offers the opportunity to actively or passively participate
in the arts.
Galleries and Museums
dot the city. The
Indiana University Arts
Museum schedules special exhibits which draw visitors from throughout
the Midwest. Indiana University also offers the
Indiana University Fine Arts
Bloomington is a center for the performing arts.
I.U. Opera Theatre produces operas year-round.
Check out the Indiana University Auditorium
Series for some great performances.
Music and musicians are everywhere - from chamber music to bluegrass
and the blues.
Indiana University
School of Music
Bloomington is also the home of many artists.
From painters and potters to musicians and writers. Local art work can be
seen at several local galleries and in various
art festivals throughout the year.
Want to participate actively in the arts?
The Edna Ballinger Art and Education Center welcomes all ages for educational,
informational, recreational, and art programs. Located at 2600 N. Kinser
Pike in the outfield of the Upper Cascades Ballfield, it is a beautiful location
for art and education programs.
Bloomington Area Arts Council (BAAC) and the John Waldron Arts Center
offers several hands on programs for youth and adults.
Several organizations have their own web pages. I call them
ArtLinks. We're always on the lookout for
additions to our cyber art museum.
We're always on the lookout for additions to our cyber art museum. If you
or someone you know has a great site
submit it for a listing
here. It's free in exchage for a link to this site.