Recommended Links
Especially for LDS Sisters | Pioneers | |||||||
Especially for LDS Mothers | Teaching Moments | |||||||
Family Bookstores | Humor | |||||||
For Those with Teens | Household Helps | |||||||
Angels in Our Midst | Misc. LDS Links |
The background for this page is from Wallpaper Boutique
Home Page | Charity | Especially for LDS Mothers | Teaching Moments |
Angels in our Midst | Faith of the Pioneers | LDS Women | Teen Tactics |
Household Helps | Humor | Holidays | |
Other Links | What's New | Feedback | About Me |
(* Indicates it is mainly an LDS site)
Relief Society Leader: Women Can
Alter World
Salt Lake Tribune report of the the 1997 General Women's Conference |
LDS Women are Urged to Make Home a
Deseret News report of the the 1997 General Women's Conference |
Meet the new General Relief Society Presidency here! |
New Relief Society President of Mormon
This is an excellent article that talks about the goals of the new General Relief Society President for the Sisters of Church. It talks about her hopes of helping the sisters find true happiness. |
1997 & 1998 LDS Women's Conference at BYU
Transcripts of talks given at the most recent Women's Conference. This site also includes information on next year's conference and poem and essay contest. |
Zarahemla Book Shoppe - Relief Society*
This is a great resource page, especially for those with calling in Relief Society, it has lots of ideas and gives several email address for other sisters with various callings in Relief Society if you want to share ideas. |
A place to share experiences that have helped us grow and learn; a place to testify of our Father in Heaven and the Savior's workings in our lives; a place to tell about the surprises that life brings along the way. |
A wonderful collection of stories that give new insight to gospel principles. |
Ideas for Relief Society as well as household tips, moral booters, etc. |
Have you ever noticed that when you first married, you treated your sweetheart differently than you do now? With time, change is necessary in any endeavor. HOWEVER, in a marriage, the changes should be positive, and should reflect a growth and maturity in the love you have for one another. That's what this web site is all about. |
Sanctify is an email list for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are concerned about inactive, non-member, or new member loved ones. The idea for the list and it's name stems from 1Corinthians 7:14, which speaks of "unbelieving" spouses being sanctified by their member spouses. |
(* Indicates it is mainly an LDS site)
General Authorities' View of Motherhood*
Different talks given by Presidents of the Church or Apostles about the great role of being a mother and the importance of it. |
A special page for mothers of missionaries. Lots of ideas for giving these wonderful Elders support from their mothers. |
Being a Righteous Husband and Father*
Talk by President Howard W. Hunter that is wonderful for fathers (I assume that most of the mothers reading this have husbands to share it with) |
This is an essay by Donna Harlow Gelter who is a very talented writer. This is funny, yet true experience about having her fifth child in world where the average family has 1.57 children. |
Donna Harlow Gelter's humorous continuation of having her fifth child. (See part one above.) |
Cleanliness Should be Next to the Bathrooms*
Cute humorous essay about better laundryroom fantasies. This is also by Donna Harlow Gelter |
LDS Stay-Home Moms Mail Group*
This has three mail groups one is for teens, one for parents, and one for stay-home moms. I believe there is now a waiting list for the stay-home moms group, but there are no waiting lists for the other two. |
This is a page for married LDS women seeking strength from each other. It includes pages for recipes, hubby tips, lesson ideas, romantic ideas, and much more. |
While this site is not "LDS," it is for parents at home and is excellent as it contains many good ideas and support for those of us who are mainly raising children. |
Statistics show that 40% of children under age 5 keep their parents up at night, and 1 out of 3 babies is colicky. This site has tapes that may be the solution. I understand that these have also been used successfully on Alzheimer's and cardiac patients. |
Mothers at Home (MAH), Vienna, VA, is a national non-profit organization in its second decade of helping mothers across the country and overseas who choose to devote their exceptional skills and good minds to nurturing their families. |
This a web page made for mothers who have children with heart defects. It is intended to give support and contact with other mothers who face the same problem. |
Hearts At Home was designed to give you job recognition. Our intent is to encourage, challenge and lift you up as you continue in your role as mother. |
(* Indicates it is mainly an LDS site)
Beautiful page with several good quotes about angels |
Angelic Good News at Embracing The Child
This sight has writings from many different people giving their thoughts and experiences with acts of kindness and the effects of good examples on society |
(* Indicates it is mainly an LDS site)
I am sure we are all familiar with Deseret Book and the wonderful church materials they sell. This site also includes a search engine for the sites listed as Deseret's Best LDS Web sites. |
This is another excellent LDS online bookstore. It also has lots of other links to LDS websites and gives some good reviews of the books they carry. |
LDS Bookstore. Usually this bookstore has discounted prices and also carries many learning materials for children as well as other good topics of interest to LDS parents |
This website is more than just a place to shop for books, it also has links to many other LDS webpages and has them well indexed to find the topics that you need. |
Focus on the Family is the organization that James Dobson started. While not LDS, they are an excellent Christian organization and sell many good materials that I have found very useful. |
Wholesome Books: Online Catalog
Educational/Spiritual type of Materials. This is a great bookstore with all kinds of whole books that they recommend. I found classice titles here that I haven't seen elsewhere. |
Charlotte Mason had a love for children and a concern that they develop a lifetime love of learning. She based her philosophy on the Latin word for education ~ "educare," which means "to feed and nourish." This site has good information of use to anyone who want to help their children learn. While it is designed for homeschooling families, it is really excellent for any parent. Charlotte Mason has some very good philosophies about education. |
Of Interest to Those with Teens
(* Indicates it is mainly an LDS site)
Excellent General Conference talk by given by President Hinckley from April 1997 |
BYU site for information on their EFY programs. |
John Bytheway has made several tapes for youth and really adults also. He has a great way of explaining the gospel with lots of humor and in a way anyone can understand and relate it. |
1997 General Young Women's Broadcast*
Transcripts of all the talks given at the March 1997 General Young Women's Broadcast |
(Different site than the one by the same name above.) |
This is a place where LDS youth can read thoughts and articles by other LDS youth as well as submit their own articles and thoughts. |
CARTOONS FOR TEENS by Randy Glasbergen˙
(* Indicates it is mainly an LDS site)
This site tells all about how the handcarts were built and what they carried on them. Very interesting. |
Arthur Parker, Lost Boy in Handcart Company*
Good story about a boy who got lost from the rest of the Pioneer company. Has very good analogies to life today. |
Best pioneer recipes site that I found. This one didn't include links to other sites, but had it did have several recipes to choose from. |
Pioneer Sesquicentennial Celebration - Faith ...*
Excellent site about the Pioneers with pioneer recipes and history stories about the westward trek and lots of link to other Pioneer Historical Web sites. |
(* Indicates it is mainly an LDS site)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints*
Official website for |
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Excellent resource site for links and information |
April 1997 and October 1996, General Conference of |
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Excellent talk by Elder Boyd K. Packer about the importance of teaching the gospel to our children and especially the great need for families to spend time together. |
Recent Speeches At BYU Devotionals and Firesides*
Speeches on wide variety of Church related topics by many general authorities and other prominent individuals. |
This a great site for ideas and information that pertain to wards and ward organizations |
This contains the transcripts of the 10 most recent broadcasts. Excellent messages from the LDS Church |
"60 Minutes" program
on the LDS Church
Broadcast on CBS TV, April 7, 1996*
Homemade transcript of the "60 Minutes" piece
on the church, |
Saint Temple Homepage*
This website is dedicated to the temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Includes talks related to temples and dedicatory prayers. |
(* Indicates it is mainly an LDS site)
Thirteen Articles of No Faith*
Humor (and too much truth) about Genealogy and what many members believe (but shouldn't). |
This is by Donna Harlow Gelter who is a very talented writer. This is funny, yet true experience about having her fifth child in world where the average family has 1.57 children. |
Donna Harlow Gelter's humorous continuation of having her fifth child. (See part one above.) |
Cleanliness Should be Next to the Bathrooms*
Cute humor about better laundryroom fantasies This is also by Donna Harlow Gelter |
John Bytheway has made several tapes for youth and really adults also. He has a great way of explaining the gospel with lots of humor and in a way anyone can understand and relate it. |
CARTOONS FOR TEENS by Randy Glasbergen˙
Cute cartoons about the kinds of things teenagers face such a zits, school, etc. |
Diet, Health and Fitness Cartoons by Randy Glasbergeny
More cartoons from the same cartoonist! These are of course about diet and health. It was fun to see a lighter side of these. |
(* Indicates it is mainly an LDS site)
Confessions of a messy homemaker and how she slowly solved her own problem. I thought this site was humorous as well as very helpful. It was certainly one that many of us can relate to. |
SORT IT! (Organizing Solutions)
This a great site that lists several areas and rooms in your house and give helpful ideas of how to organize and clean them more efficiently so you will save the most cleaning time possible. |
This site has most frequently asked cleaning and home care questions; organized by subject. If you cannot find the help you are looking for, email them and can ask. |
Suggestions for removing all types of stains from such things as tempera paints, washable markers, crayons, etc. This includes removal from all kinds of different surfaces. |
Cleanliness Should be Next to the Bathrooms* (HUMOR)
Cute humor about better laundryroom fantasies |
This is by the very talented writer, Donna Harlow Gelter |
Food Safety Database: Home Canning
USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning |
Food Safety Database: Critical Issues in Food Safety
This site containsmany different issues that concern food safety, including produce recalls, food inspection, etc. |
The background for this page is from Wallpaper Boutique
Home Page | Charity | Especially for LDS Mothers | Teaching Moments |
Angels in our Midst | Faith of the Pioneers | LDS Women | Teen Tactics |
Household Helps | Humor | Holidays | |
Other Links | What's New | Feedback | About Me |
Send mail to Debra Oaks Coe: with questions or comments about
this web site. |
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