This was chosen as a motto for this home
page. In 1 Peter 4:8 it states that "charity shall cover the multitude of sin."
The Joseph Smith translation of this verse reads: "...for charity preventeth a
multitude of sins." The later translation seems to make more sense as only repentance
can make us clean. We know that charity is the greatest of all qualities to have, and this simple sentence expresses just exactly why. The very act of charity prevents sin in both us and in others. It works on both a large and small scale. The very charity we show in our own homes, to our own children prevents sin on a grand scale. research shows that children's greatest need is warm responsive parents. This is more than just chauffeuring them to activities. This is spending individual time letting them know you love them and care about them as an individual. It takes quantities of time in order to achieve the quality time this requires. This is what makes great men and women. This is what makes a great nation. Joseph Smith put it best when he said:
"The pure unadulterated love of one person can nullify the hatred of millions." Mahatma Gandhi |
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Last modified: May 20, 1998
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