Household Helps



Said to have been found in Bushy Churchyard, Hertfordshire          

Here lies a poor woman who always was tired

For she lived in a place where help wasn't hired,

Her last words on earth were: "Dear friends, I am going

Where washing ain't done nor cooking nor sewing,

And everything there is exact to my wishes,

For there they don't eat, there's no washing of dishes,

I'll be where loud anthems will always be ringing

(But having no voice, I'll be out of the singing)

Don't mourn for me now, don't grieve for me never,

For I'm going to do nothing for ever and ever!"



The Messy Homemaker Homepage

Confessions of a messy homemaker and how she slowly solved her own problem. I thought this site was humorous as well as very helpful. It was certainly one that many of us can relate to.

SORT IT! (Organizing Solutions)

This a great site that lists several areas and rooms in your house and give helpful ideas of how to organize and clean them more efficiently so you will save the most cleaning time possible.

Clean Team

This site has most frequently asked cleaning and home care questions; organized by subject. If you cannot find the help you are looking for, email them and can ask.

Stain Removal Tips

Suggestions for removing all types of stains from such things as tempera paints, washable markers, crayons, etc. This includes removal from all kinds of different surfaces.

Cleanliness Should be Next to the Bathrooms

Cute HUMOR about better laundryroom fantasies

This is by the very talented writer, Donna Harlow Gelter

Home Cleaning,Health and Gardening Tips!!

This site has all kinds of tips for House Cleaning, Kitchen Helpers, Laundry Tips, Fabric Care, Furniture Care, Health and First Aid, Gardening Tips, Home Arts, and Notions Sewing


Welcome to Betty Crocker

I am sure everyone is familar with Betyy Crocker.  This site includes more than just recipes and cooking tips.  It also includes such things as helping you write out your shopping list, and my favorite -- a place for you to enter what you have on hand and Betty Crocker comes up with the recipes.

Top Secret Recipes on the Web

Creating Kitchen Clones of.
America's Favorite Brand-Name Foods

National Food Safety Database: Home Canning

USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning

National Food Safety Database: Critical Issues in Food Safety

This site containsmany different issues that concern food safety, including produce recalls, food inspection, etc.

Once-a-Month Cooking (OAMC)

No matter who you are, how big your family or what your lifestyle, I believe that Once-a-Month Cooking (OAMC) has something to offer everyone.
We could all use a few more minutes in our day, couldn't we? Anyone out there have enough time for everything they want to accomplish? No. . . ?

Filers and Pilers

Graphics and Page Design adapted from Windy's Web Design
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Webmaster: Debra Oaks Coe
Send mail to Debra Oaks Coe: with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997
Last modified: May 20, 1998