My Fitness Gym


Hello all you fitness freaks, this is Ranjeet aka Roger here. It's with utmost pleasure that I welcome you all to this subsection of my page where I have assembled the links to the best fitness magazines available online. I know it's a bitch that they hardly contain a lotta stuff coz of the business stuff...can't blame them really.

Anyhow...this page came about due to my interest in keeping fit and my indulgence in such activities esp. weight training. I guess I'm one of thse ppl who believes -- "Your body is a temple" and that unless you take care of this temple, you can never achieve that state of peace and well-being no matter how many other attributes you possess such as being a smart-arse extraordinare or the musician gifted by the Gods. In Hindi (indian) there is a saying which goes like this -- " Jaan Hai, Jahan Hai" which means -- Yu have your health, and so you are. Or in other words -- Your world exists only coz of yur health.

Well enuff of my convassing regarding a healthy being and all that crap...guess you wouldn't be here if yu weren't interested and knew all this in the first place...but then again, if you have wandered in here by chance and are one of them ppl who do not do anything in your day that moves you in the direction of a healthier life style or the state of supreme fitness, then maybe this page could inspire you to start today. Other than that I have to ask you -- "Get off your butt and do something physical and I don't mean the 'F' word. Getup from your seat right now...and go for a run or a brisk walk round the block and then tell me that you don't feel more energised and fresh. Remember -- Healthy body, healthy mind." I know I said it the other way, but trust me, this is as true as is the original version.

Anyway, this page is primarily to give you the links for the magazine sites and to the biggest picture gallery on the web listing every possible pro bodybuilder, past and present. But first, here's a collection of pictures of my fav. bodybuilders, or lets say, the ppl who I think have the best physiques in the business, my favourite being Shawn Ray and Flex Wheeler. Seeing these pics, you'll understand why.

Fitness Zone !!! The name says it all

Online Fitness Magazines Index

Other Great Bodybuilding Links

Lisa's (don't know who she is) fitness page. check it...good info!!

Some other dudez fitness page and links. If I've put it here...must be good..heheh

Yahoo fitness links. A OK!!

Yahoo Bodybuilding links. Might stumble across some good shit over here.

And Finally...

Web's Biggest Pro-Bodybuilders Picture Archive

Watch This Space for More Links in the future and Hell in a couple of years maybe my photos (NOT!!)


"My Fav Physiques"

Shawn Ray

Ken 'Flex' Wheeler

Paul Dillet

Kevin Levrone

Mohammad 'Momo' Benaziza

Lee Haney


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Yu are the th fitness freak to train in our Gym since 10th Jul 1999

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