A Tribute to

Welcome To The Australian
Homepage of the Greatest Band in the world -- The Mighty Metallica. Despite the lack of the
required paraphernalia it takes to rightfully call this Metallica's
Australian Homepage, I have tried to satisfy
the unfathomable desires of the "Die
Hard Metallicats" by including as many
Metallipics & Lyrics and information as
I could gather from around different sites. I am aware that there
are plenty more out there...so if you are a die hard
Metallicat you can go and get 'em from the
link provided at the bottom of the document as there are only so
many I can keep here.
I have
been an ardent Metallica fan for the past 7 years now, and still
love the band as much as I did all these years. Metallica has
gone from a small time band of four young boys who couldn't get a
gig and thus played free at the smallest venues, to the biggest
name in the history of heavy metal in their career spanning 15
years (till today I mean...fortunately they ain't finished
yet...hehe). With their continuous strife to develop new sounds
and explore various aspects of music and not just heavy metal,
the band has perpetually gained and lost fans along the way.
There is no doubt that the band has gone softer than their first
album Kill
'em all,
yet many fail to realise that Metallica is not about being a
genre or a stereotype, but Metallica is about Music. They never
sought after labels and tried as best as they could to avoid
being classed as certain style of music and in the process,
became the subject of criticism from the industry, thepress and
their fans. The bands reaction to this was summed up
guitarist/vocalist James Hetfield
don't want any kinda label, we just want to do whatever the fuck
we want to do"
Metallica has matured over the
years in their sounds, music, playing techinques and of course
lyrics, yet the essence of Metallica is as strong as it was 15
years ago. Metallica is one of the finest examples in the world
of being a band and staying that way. Many bands have come and
gone, some bands like Megadeth
featured a new lineup with every new album, whereas some bands
like Guns 'n Roses went
out of the scene coz each member wanted an identity of his own
which led to the fall of the band despite them being an excellent band in their time. Yet amongst all this upheavel in the industry and in their personal life with the tragic accidental death of original
bassist Cliff Burton,
Metallica stands strong and united as it ever was. To quote drummer Lars Ulrich,
day Metallica's over, I'm not going to put an ad looking for
another band. I'll put my drumsticks on the shelf and there's 14
other things I wanna try. Metallica's the only band I've ever
been in and it's the only band I ever wanna be in."
What more needs to be said about their
attitude as a band?. Other than them being just strong as a band,
they are a band who respect and appreciate their fans as much as
their fans appreciate the band. Despite their tremendous success
over the years the band remains as modest and down to earth as
they were 6 albums and 15 years ago. Once again to quote Lars --
I don't think success has changed us as ppl at all. We are the
same lunatics that we were when this band first got going. We
never see ourselves as being on a higher level than our
Why do I listen to Metallica??.
Well they are the only band that is Me. Every word, every riff, every
chord and every note played and sung by Metallica touches me in
the deepest dimensions of my soul. No matter what or how I'm
feeling, their music always makes me feel better and their words
help me make more sense of things I believe in. Sometimes I sit
there in my room with tears in my eyes as I let the lead of every
song play the strings of my soul, while sometimes
I just turn it up loud and scream out every word
of every song from on top of my lungs. The best time to listen to
Metallica for me tho, is when I'm on my way to the gym. It gives more energy than any steroid ever possibly can.
There are pages and pages of
stuff that I can write about Metallica as a band, as musicians
and not to forget...as ppl, yet I guess as much told and said
about them, will never be enuff to express my deep devotion and
appreciation for them and their music and for giving me a band
that I can truly call my own. A band that reflects my attitude
and my personality. It's hard to believe today as I look back to
the first time I listened to Metallica, which a great friend
lent me. I felt like throwing the tape out of the window
saying that "
"This band
is a disgrace to music. No matter who or what I listen to, I can
never grow to love Metallica". Funny how
things turn out tho, coz today I love them more than I could ever
possibly love any other band, past, present or future. As I talk
and interact with ppl from diff walks of life and hear their
opinions and comments about Metallica and their music...there's
only one thing I understand...that out there, there are ppl, each
one a diff individual with their own opinions, exercising their
right to freedom of speech and putting Metallca to their own
scrutiny...but in there, in a typical Metallica concert, for me
and all the thousands of screaming, head-banging die hard
Metallica fans, it's Heaven...the Metal Heaven....where ..............................................................................................................

Picture Gallery --
Enter Sandman

Drulz Fantastic Metallica Links -- These
are all you'll ever need
The Ultimate Metal Page -- But then
again...a Metallica fan is never satisfied :-))
NOW................. Metallica Chat Room
And for the serious
fans and collectors, serious hard core METALLICA merchandise...No life 'Til Leather

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Metallica fans just like yu have been thru site
since 10th Jul 1999
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© 1999 Ranjeet Rustgi