Here are few really good links to who I think are or were among the best bands in the world. These are by no means the only bands I listen to other than the Mighty Metallica, yet due to the fact that I wanted to and needed to add other stuff to this site, I have put the bare minimum here. Do keep an eye out for more links for more bands and better and more links to the existing bands in the near future.
Anyway, simply click on the name of the band to go their
respective sites...but then you already knew how this thing works
hey!. Well, enjoy the links and do let me know if you know of any
better ones out there....I haven't really spent a lotta time
searching for some good links. The best way to start is to go to and do a specific streamlined search to get the
best sites for such bands. In the meantime enjoy these sites and
I'd like feedback if you are willing to give some.
Pearl Jam Official Page at Sony Music
Some Dudez cool Pearl Jam Page and Links
This page has been accessed , times since 15th Feb 1997
[MeTaLlIcA PiCtUrE
GaLlErY] [MaIn PaGe] [AbOuT mE] [FiTnEsS
& BoDyBuILdInG] [OtHeR CoOl BaNdS]
[HeRbAl TrEaTmEnTs] [FaV Tv ShOwS] [BeSt ShArEwArE SiTeS]