The Purr Pages

My Gypsy Girl

Gypsy's first night
Gypsy's First Night Home

I admired Gypsy (formerly Pippi) for a week at the adoption center in the store I work at. I finally decided on June 28th that I would adopt her from the local cat rescue, and add a girl kitty to my family. She was about 10 weeks old, already vaccinated and FeLV tested negative. The name "Gypsy" was chosen because it is the title of my favorite Fleetwood Mac song. I did play with the notion of naming
her Stevie, since I already have a Lindsey!

July 24th Gypsy was diagnosed with ringworm. She'll be on a 4-week treatment, so no meeting her big brothers for a while. Her vet said it would be fine to go ahead and have her spayed, so she had surgery on July 31st. Tyler & Tegan got neutered the same day. Luckily the little boys do not have ringworm.

My sweet girl
My Sweet Girl-12 Weeks

See more photos of Gypsy @ Webshots!

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