I went to the local SPCA shelter before work on 06/23/03, in hopes of finding a young,
Our vet said the babies are about 8 weeks old, but quite small and a bit underweight (1.3 pounds each). We brought a fecal sample to find out for sure the cause of their diarrhea. He said they probably have Coccidia. They were also treated for fleas. The SPCA had given them their kitten shots & tested for FeLV on 6/14/03, so they won't need their booster shots til next month. The babies will need to wait a while to meet their big brothers though, after the fecal test and treatment.
06/27/03 the wee ones' fecal test was negative for Coccidia, but their diarrhea was worse.
I wanted "T" names since they are little tuxedo kitties.
The brothers are most easily identified by Tegan having solid white legs, and Tyler having black
06/10/03 Tegan & Tyler went for their check-up & booster shots at the vet. Tyler is doing very well! Tegan's diarrhea was the worst, but he's doing much better! Their vet said their stool should continue to improve. The little brother's are scheduled to be neutered on July 31st.
See more photos of Tegan & Tyler soon @ Webshots!
poofy sister for Bernie & Lindsey. I was surprised that with it being kitten season, only 1/2 of their 60 cages were occupied! It turns out that our local SPCA's contract with the city expired July 1, 2003; and the city didn't renew the contract. So, the SPCA was trying desperately to find homes for their remaining dogs, cats, & rabbits while they could. They had a cage with 2 little (poofy) black & white tuxedo kitten brothers in it. The kennel tech asked if I wanted to see the rowdy one or the mellow one. Since Bernie & Lindsey are playful, I chose the rowdy one. After I got home, I kept thinking of how upset (meowing & climbing the cage door) the other kitten was as we left with his brother.... So, I went right back and adopted the "other brother" too.
Tegan & Tyler @ 8 Weeks
Our vet prescribed an anti-diarrhea medicine with antibiotics for bacterial infection. They will get
.5cc twice a day for 6 days.
*Tyler is the "rowdy" kitten I adopted first. He is named after a gorgeous Scottish Deerhound
we met at a local AKC dog show in 1993.
*Tegan is the "mellow" kitten. I found the name "Tegan" doing a web seach for Celtic names,
it means "beautiful" in Welsh.
on his left front leg & right hind leg. There are also more subtle visual differences; such as Tyler having
a wider white blaze on his face, and Tegan having almond shaped eyes.
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