Not So Wild Animals
I Have Known

Our pets are a part of our lives. Whether we have a dog or cat, bird or bunny, fish or ferret, horse or hamster, snake or spider, companion animals come into our homes, and before we know it, take over our lives and quietly steal our hearts.

I've had as pets turtles, goldfish and a parakeet when I was a child, then cats, dogs, tropical fish and newts. I've loved them all. I have to say I'm partial to cats these days.

I don't claim to be an expert on animals. There are places and people, both in real life and on the web, to go to for that kind of information. I hope to add some links for some of those sites in the future. However, I think I'm an expert on the pets I've had, and those are the ones I'm going to tell you about. I hope the photos and stories of our more recent cats, dogs, and aquarium life will touch your hearts, as the pets themselves have touched mine.

Remember, our pets give us unconditional love. All they ask is to be taken care of properly, and to be loved back.


Today's Tails

Photos and stories of the
pets we now have

Yesterday's Tails:
Our Cats

Photos and stories of the
cats I've loved and lost

Yesterday's Tails:
Our Dogs

Photos and stories of the
dogs I've loved and lost

Links page coming soon

Graphic Tales

The Cat Tales banner is mine
All other graphics are from
catstuff graphics link

Thank you for visiting!

Your Tales

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Read My Old Guestbook

Updated on 9-11-06

A kitten's work
Is never done.
There's air to chase--
Ten ways to run.

It takes all day
To fill my eyes
With sunny grass
And butterflies.

For spot from chuckles :"


cat tales
a gorge-ous tale part two
today's tails

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