Yesterday's Tails
Our Dogs

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Of all our beloved pets that have passed on.
Below are some dogs I have known and loved.
They are here in my heart, and my heart will go on.


Howlie left us on June 2, 1999. She was 13 years old. She was given to us in the spring of 1986, when we lived in North Carolina. She was about 3 months old. We think she was a purebred Labrador Retriever, she sure looked like it. She was a stray a friend had found wandering the streets. He couldn't keep her, but he knew my husband liked to hunt, so we took her in. She went through 3 moves with us over the years, and was a loving friend and companion, as well as an excellent bird hunting partner for my husband. She was starting to decline, but we never thought she would leave us yet. However, she started having seizures one day, and the vet said there was nothing he could do, so rather than prolong her agony, the decision was made to have her put to sleep. We brought her home to be buried on a hillside in our yard next to Glory, whose story is coming up. Howlie is sorely missed, she was the best dog anyone ever had.


Bounder was the first dog my husband and I had. We actually got him before we were married, in the fall of '78. We picked him up from the Humane Society when we lived in Lower Michigan. He was about 6 months old. He looked at me with his big brown eyes, and I fell in love. They named him Bounder because he loved to jump. We had him about 1 1/2 years. When we had to move, and couldn't keep him, my parents took him. They had to have him put to sleep in the fall of '92. He was 14. We think he was a purebred Australian Shepherd, although he didn't really look like it. A lot of people who know more about dogs than we did assured us that's what he was. He was a very playful, loving dog, but as he got older, he got crankier. He was especially nasty to my mom sometimes, even nipping at her, although he never did that to anyone else. We could never figure that out, she was always very kind to him. He was a loyal companion to my dad, and he cried for weeks after he died. He was buried in my parent's backyard. I think my dad still misses him.


Glory was our other hunting dog. I saw an ad in the paper for him. His owners were moving to a warmer climate and didn't think he would adapt well. He was a purebred Golden Retriever. We even had the papers for him, although we never had him registered. His full name was Crown Of Glory. We got him when he was 4, and he was almost 12 when we had to have him put to sleep, in August of '97. He was a very loving dog, but one who liked to roam. Several times he ran off and we were sure we'd seen the last of him, only to have him turn up or have someone call saying they'd found him. He's finally resting in a place he won't want to stray from.

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Updated on 1-3-2004

A kitten's work
Is never done.
There's air to chase--
Ten ways to run.

It takes all day
To fill my eyes
With sunny grass
And butterflies.

For spot from chuckles :"


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