Yesterday's Tails
Our Cats

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Of all our beloved pets that have passed on.
Below are some cats I have known and loved.
They will always live on in my heart.


Her real name was Snagglepuss, and she was born in the fall of 1985. She died in November of 1988, hit by a car on the road at the end of our driveway. She was given to us in the spring of 1986 by some friends who couldn't keep her. We lived in North Carolina at the time. She proceeded to have a littler of 6 kittens before we knew she was old enough to do so. We kept 4 of those kittens, Spot, Smokey, Radar, and Tiger. Snags was a lot of fun to play with. When she was younger, she and I would play hide-and-seek. She had somewhat of a split personality, though, friendly one minute, mean the next. She was usually friendly to me though. She made the move with us to Virginia in the summer of 1986, along with those 4 kittens. She was the first cat I ever had, and I was devastated when she died


Tiger was born in April of 1986, in North Carolina, one of Snag's kittens. She moved with us to Virginia that summer. The one thing I remember about her the most is that she whined a lot. It really annoyed my husband. She also liked to climb onto the bathroom sink counter and cry until we turned the water on for her to drink. When we moved from Virginia back to Michigan in the fall of 1989, she made the move with us. We had to keep the cats at my in-laws house, in their barn, while we looked for a house, and Tiger was lost to us. We never knew what happened, but suspect she was caught by a fisher, or some other wild animal.


Sam was a stray we found living under an old house trailer behind the trailer we lived in in Virginia. We found him in August of 1989, asked around about him, but no one knew who he belonged to. We started feeding him, trying to get him used to us, knowing we would be moving shortly, and not wanting to leave him there. The day we moved, we managed to get him into a cat carrier, where he rode for the long trip to Michigan. He was a very big, heavy cat, and he loved to sit on our laps and be petted. My most vivid memory of him is his was so loud, you could hear him even if you were all the way at the other end of the house. The other cats never really did take to him though. He liked to tease them, much like Blacky does now. Sam died of a urinary tract infection in February of 1992. We only had the pleasure of his company for about 2 1/2 years, but he was very much a part of our family.


Spot was born in April of 1986, one of Snag's kittens, the same litter as Smokey, Radar, and Tiger. She was always very playful. When she was a kitten we called her our little clown. She was always the bravest, too, climbing to places before the others were brave enough to. One of our most vivid memories of her is her stealing a frozen pound of hamburger that was thawing on the counter, and running off down the hall with it. She was only about a year old. She made all the moves with us, also. She had a tendency to roam, often staying out all night, or even for several days. There were many times we were sure we'd seen the last of her, but she always came home. When she was younger, she hated to be held, although she was friendly enough. As she got older, she got mellower, and would let me hold her at least. Even at her advanced age of 13, she still liked to play like a kitten. She died on February 11, 2000. She had an overactive thyroid, and a liver enzyme imbalance. We tried medication and special food, but she just wouldn't eat anything. We watched her get weaker and weaker until finally I could sense the end was near. The last thing I did was pet her gently as she lay on our kitchen floor the night before she died. She looked terrible and could barely lift her head, and I wasn't really surprised to find that she had died during the night. We'll miss her.


This is Radar. She was born in April of 1986, in North Carolina, littermate to Smokey, Spot, and Tiger. She died on July 18, 2000. She was a well-travelled cat, moving with us from North Carolina to Virginia, then back to Michigan, and then from our first place in Michigan to where we are now. We believe she had the same conditions that Spot did. Blacky always loved to chase her, because she would be the one most likely to run from him. She is buried on the hill with her sister, and our other two dogs.


This is Smokey, born in April of 1986. Smokey passed away on May 22, 2001. He had just turned 15 in April. He developed kidney failure, as well as a large cancerous tumor that was inoperable. We tried medication, to get him to hang on as long as possible, but in the end he was suffering, so we did the kindest thing we could, and had him put to sleep. I held him the whole time, and I know that comforted him.

He was a well-travelled cat, making all of our moves with us. I almost gave him away when he was a kitten, but at the last moment, as he crawled around in my arms, we "bonded", and I just couldn't part with him. He was the most easy-going of all the cats we've had. he was my special favorite, and I miss him terribly.

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Updated on 9-11-06

A kitten's work
Is never done.
There's air to chase--
Ten ways to run.

It takes all day
To fill my eyes
With sunny grass
And butterflies.

For spot from chuckles :"


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