Ole and family picking peaches This must have been in Olinda. George is out of the picture so he must have been away at college. |
Ole and what looks like a survey crew Ole is second from the right. |
Ole working on the telephone in the Olinda store |
Ole and a horse. He probably had many horses in his time as a farmer. He was killed by a horse kicking him. Wouldn’t it be something if this was the horse that killed him? |
Emil with a friend At first I thought this was Synneva, but after looking at it I realized it isn’t. Anyone who has any ideas on who it could be let me know. e-mail ulberg@wf.net |
Synneva Askeland |
Christian Emil Adolf This looks like Emil’s graduation photo. |
Emil and Synneva Their wedding photo taken June 21, 1918 in Everett, Snohomish County, Washington. |
Emil and Synneva’s kids minus Hazel Norman, Marian, Carrol and Eunice in front. |
Cousins Here we have Marian, Eunice and Mildred. |
Carrol Randolph Army Air Corp |
A camp of some sort Emil on the left, don’t know who else is in the photo. This looks like a camp where a home is going to be built. Probably in Olinda. |
Marian Lucille Graduation photo. |
Eunice Irene and William (Bill) Guill Wedding photo taken September 1, 1945 |
George Oscar and Sarah Minnie Nelson Married July 31, 1914 in Everett, Snohomish County, Washington. |
George and Mother-in-Law Pictured from left to right are George Wendell Sr., Mrs Anna Christine Rasmussen Nelson, and George. |
George Oscar going to work. |