 Ulberg History
 Photo 1
 Photo 2
 Photo 3
 Photo 4
 Photo 5
 Photo 6
 Photo 7
 Photo 2

Amos, Tillie and Emil

As you can tell this photo is missing George, who was away at college in Everett, Washington.  This means that this photo was taken around 1908.

This could be the church where the kids’ christening took place.

It is not the church where Ole and Mathea were married.

A post card saved of the town close to the farm.

This is where they would buy their supplies and do their socializing.

The church in Olinda

There is quite a gathering in front, but I can recognize the folks.

Another shot of the church

This school house is where the second generation kids went to school.

This photo didn’t turn out too well.

It is the Olinda Store.  I need to get Mel Warn to scan it again for me and send it to me so I can update it.

Family in front of store

You can see the house to the side of the store.  In the car in the front seat is Emil and Synneva, back seat is Tillie and Mathea.  Amos is standing to the side.  This photo was take sometime after Ole died.

Amos with a new car in front of the store

The Store took on many face changes, this is one of them.


Here is another view of the store home with Tillie in front

The house was eventually a two story structure.


This is a winter shot of the store and the latest version of it before it burned in 1945.


This is what the store looks like now.

This summer I will try to get a better shot without my truck in the picture.

John Iverson’s place in Olinda

On the back of this photo it talks of a gathering at John Iverson’s place.  John must have been a friend of the family.  He is also on the 1880 census from Wisconsin.

Dan Ulberg at John Iverson’s grave site June 1998

John Iverson’s grave site is just west of the Ulberg plots in the Olinda Cemetery.  He died the same year as Ole.


This is a family gathering in Seattle

From left to right

Sarah, Mildred Jones, Gloria, Dave, Tillie, Dolly, Synneva, Mrs. Nelson, Emil, George, Ted Jones, and John Warn. 

If any one can help me the the others, e-mail me at ulberg@wf.net

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